Key English
SESSION_RESTRICTED_ENTERPRISE_ONLY This session has been restricted to users with Enterprise licenses
A_RECORDING_1 A recording is currently controlling media
ACCOUNT_DELETION_FAILED_MESSAGE_VR Your account deletion failed. Contact our support team for further assistance at
ACCOUNT_DELETION_PENDING_MESSAGE Account deletion can take up to 2 working days. We will contact you by email when we begin processing this request.

If you have any further questions, please contact our support team at
ADVANCED_TRACKING_1 Advanced tracking detected! To enable advanced tracking for your avatar, ensure trackers are secured as shown. Face this screen and ensure trackers show the correct placements before clicking Enable.
ANDROID_PERMISSION_HELLO To get the best experience we will need your permission to access some functions on your device.
ANDROID_PERMISSIONS_GOODBYE Some device features have been disabled. You will be able to join Sessions but you may not be able to use certain functionality.
BEING_SUMMONED_IN_X_SECONDS You will be summoned in {0}
CHECKING_LOCATION Checking Location for Updates. Please Wait
CREATE_A Create a Fish School (From this Fish)
CREATE_AND Create and manage online at
CURRENT_USER Current User Height:
DELETE_ACCOUNT Contact us to <color=#19BEF0>Delete your account</color>
EMAIL_VERIFICATION Email Verification Required
ENTER_A Enter a filename or click Save As...
ENTER_TEXT Enter text...
ENTERING_SESSION Entering Session. Please Wait...