Key English Chinese (Simplified)
A_PASSWORD If {0} is registered as an ENGAGE account, you will receive an email with further instructions on how to reset your password shortly. 如果{0}注册了ENGAGE帐户,您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含了如何尽快重置您的密码的说明。
A_RECORDING_1 A recording is currently controlling media 当前媒体正受音像控制
ACCESS_DENIED Access denied 访问已拒绝
ACCOUNT_DELETE_SUBMITTED Account deletion submitted 已提交帐户删除
ACCOUNT_DELETION_FAILED_MESSAGE Your account deletion failed. Contact our support team for further assistance. 您的帐户删除失败。请联系我们的支持团队获取进一步帮助。
ACCOUNT_DELETION_FAILED_MESSAGE_VR Your account deletion failed. Contact our support team for further assistance at 您的帐户删除失败。如需更多帮助,请联系我们的支持团队
ACCOUNT_DELETION_FAILED_TITLE Account deletion failed 帐户删除失败
ACCOUNT_DELETION_PENDING Account deletion pending 待定删除帐户
ACCOUNT_DELETION_PENDING_MESSAGE Account deletion can take up to 2 working days. We will contact you by email when we begin processing this request.

If you have any further questions, please contact our support team at

ACTIVE Shared Screen 活动
ACTIVE_CONTENT Active Content 活动内容
ACTIVE_CONTENT_LINKED A content sequence is loaded. This sequence is linked to the standard video player. Use the active media playback controls to play, pause, stop and skip through the content. 载入内容序列。此序列链接到标准视频播放器。使用活动媒体回放控制播放、暂停、停止和跳过内容。
ACTIVE_CONTENT_PLAYBACK A content sequence is loaded. Use the playback controls below to play, pause, stop and skip through the content. All hosts in this session have access to this. 加载内容序列。使用下面的回放控制来播放、暂停、停止和跳过内容。此会话中的所有主机都可以访问此内容。
ACTIVE_FORM Active Form 活动表格
ACTIVE_GAME Active Game 活动游戏
ACTIVE_TAB Active 活跃的
ADD_A Add a form to your lesson 在课程中添加一个表格
ADD_AT Add at least one keyframe! 至少添加一个关键帧!
ADD_COHOST Add Co-Host 添加共同主持人