Key English Chinese (Simplified)
DESKTOP_SHARE_2 Your ENGAGE window may change size to accommodate sharing 您的ENGAGE窗口可能会更改大小来进行共享
DESTROY Destroy 销毁
DETAILS Details 细节
DEVICE Device 设备
DEVICE_CHECKLIST_MESSAGE_1 This computer doesn't meet the minimum specification to run ENGAGE. 这台计算机不符合运行ENGAGE的最低规格。
DEVICE_NAME Device Name 设备名称
DEVICE_POPUP_MESSAGE_1 We recommend updating macOS to the latest version to improve the performance of ENGAGE 我们建议将macOS更新到最新版本,以提高ENGAGE的性能
DEVICE_POPUP_MESSAGE_2 For more information visit 更多信息,请访问
DEVICE_POPUP_TITLE ENGAGE may not work as expected ENGAGE可能无法按预期工作
DEVICE_STORAGE Device Storage 设备存储
DIGITAL_TWIN Digital twin 虚拟世界分身
DIGITAL_TWINS Digital twins 虚拟世界分身
DIGITAL_TWINS_DESC_1 A digital twin is a virtual reality replica of your physical space. We use the room space that you set up to create a basic digital twin of your room. 虚拟世界分身是您在物理空间的虚拟现实的复制。我们使用您设置的房间空间来创建您房间的基本虚拟世界分身。
DIGITAL_TWINS_DESC_2 If someone joins you while in VR mode, they see the digital twin. It gives them a basic sense of the layout of your space and helps them to feel as though they are visiting you. 如果有人在虚拟现实模式下加入你,他们会看到虚拟世界分身。这让他们对您的空间布局有了一个基本的了解,让他们感觉就像在拜访您一样。
DISABLE Disable 禁用
DISABLE_ADVANCED Disable Advanced Tracking 禁用高级跟踪
DISCARD Discard Changes 放弃修改
DISCARD_1 Discard 放弃