Key English Chinese (Simplified)
ALIGN Align 对齐
ALIGN_LOCATION_ANCHORS Align your location anchors with this marker 将您的定位点与此标记对齐
ALL All 全部
ALL_SET All set! 一切就绪!
ALL_SET_DESC_1 Great, you’re all set up to explore the magic of mixed reality! 太好了,您已经准备好探索虚拟现实的魔力了!
ALL_SET_DESC_2 There are a few more things we’d like to show you. For example, how to create a more detailed digital twin and how to conduct a session with people co-located in your physical space. However, if you’re exploring on your own, you don’t need to do anything else. 我们还有些东西要展示给您。例如,如何创建一个更详细的虚拟世界分身,以及如何与同处一个物理空间的人进行会话。然而,如果您想独自探索,那么您可以开始了。
ALL_SET_DESC_3 To access the additional information some other time, go to the Mixed Reality menu. 要在其他时间访问附加信息,请前往混合现实菜单。
ALL_USERS All users will be brought to this location. 所有用户都将被带到这个位置。
ALL_USERS_1 All users 所有用户
ALL_VIDEO All video is shared publicly on shared media screens. 所有视频均共享在共享媒体屏幕上。
ALLOW_AVATAR_SFX Enable Avatar Sound FX (clapping / etc.) 启用头像音效特效(鼓掌等)。)
ALLOW_PERMISSIONS Allow permissions 允许权限
ALLOW_USER Allow user to unmute themselves 允许用户取消静音
ALLOW_USERS Allow users to unmute themselves 允许用户自己取消静音
ALLOW_USERS_UNMUTE Allow users to unmute themselves 允许用户自行取消静音
ALREADY_A Already a stop state! 已处于停止状态!
AN_EMAIL An email verification link has been sent to the email address you provided during registration. Verify your email within 72 hours of sign-up to continue using ENGAGE. 电子邮件验证链接已发送到您注册时提供的电子邮件地址。请在注册后 72 小时内验证您的电子邮件地址,以便继续使用 ENGAGE。
AN_EMAIL_1 An email verification link has been sent to 电子邮件验证链接已发送至
AN_EMAIL_2 Verify your email within 72 hours of sign-up to continue using ENGAGE. 在注册后的72小时内验证您的电子邮件,以继续使用ENGAGE。