Key English Chinese (Traditional)
RIGHT_CLICK Right Click 右鍵 按一下
SAVE_IFX Save IFX Snapshot 儲存 IFX
SEATED_MODE_1 Seated Mode is only for those who want to stay seated in real-life. Standing and sitting will be simulated by your avatar. To enter seated mode, sit and face forward and then click below.



SEATED_MODE_DESCRIPTION Seated Mode is only for those who want to stay seated in real-life. Standing and sitting will be simulated by your avatar.To enter seated mode, sit and face forward and then click below. 入座模式只適合那些在現實生活中想要坐下的人。 虛擬人偶將會模擬站立和坐下。要進入入座模式,請面向前坐下,然後按一下下方。
SELECT_OTHERS Select Others 選擇其他人
SESSION_NOT_READY Session not ready to join. Please try again. 會話尚未準備好可加入。
SESSION_PORTAL_INFO Enter the ID of another session to create a portal. If you create a portal to a password protected session, users will need the password to navigate the portal. 輸入另一個會話的ID以創建門戶。
SET_HEIGHT Set Height 設定
SIGNUP Sign up 註冊
SIGNUP_WITH Sign up with 使用以下註冊:
SORRY_ONLY Sorry! Only videos can be loaded into timeline. 對不起!

SSO_ERROR_USERLINKED_VIVE You are logged in to VIVE on this device as 你以以下身分在此裝置上登入 VIVE:
STARTING_YOUR Starting your Event. Please wait... 正在開始活動.
STOP_ALL Stop All Playback 停止所有
STOP_SHARING Stop Sharing Desktop 停止共享
SUGGESTED_VIDEOS Suggested Videos 推薦影片
SWITCH_TO_VIVESESSIONS_DESC VIVE Sessions requires a separate registered account. You cannot log in with your ENGAGE account.

Events, Content and Sessions are not synchronised between ENGAGE and VIVE Sessions.

You can switch back to ENGAGE at any time.
VIVE會話需要一個單獨的註冊帳戶。您無法使用ENGAGE帳戶登錄。 事件、內容和會話在ENGAGE和VIVE會話之間不同步。 您可以隨時切換回ENGAGE。
TEMP_FILE Temp file found. Attempt to load previous work in progress? 找到暫存檔

TERMS_A I agree to the 我同意
TERMS_B Terms and Conditions 條款和細則