Key English Chinese (Traditional)
AN_EMAIL_3 You must now verify your email before you can log in. 必須驗證電子郵件地址才可登入。
ANDROID_PERMISSION_HELLO To get the best experience we will need your permission to access some functions on your device. 為了獲得最佳體驗,我們需要您的許可才能訪問設備上的某些功能。
ANDROID_PERMISSIONS_GOODBYE Some device features have been disabled. You will be able to join Sessions but you may not be able to use certain functionality. 某些設備功能已被禁用。您可以加入會話,但可能無法使用某些功能。
ANDROID_PERMISSIONS_THANKS The application will now launch. 應用程序現在將啓動。
ANIMATION Animation 動畫
ANIMATION_OVERRIDES Animation Overrides 動畫覆寫
APPLY_1 Apply 應用
APPLY_NEW_SKIN_TONE Apply new skin tone for this My Face image 應用新的膚色到我的面容圖像
APPLY_PROFILE_PHOTO Capture a picture 拍一張照
ARE_YOU Are you sitting? 你坐著嗎?
ARE_YOU_SURE Are you sure you want to leave the session? 您確定要退出會話嗎?
ARE_YOU_SURE_1 Are you sure? 您確定嗎?
ARE_YOU_SURE_2 Are you sure you want to end this session? 您確定要結束此會話嗎?
ARE_YOU_SURE_3 Are you sure you want to leave this session? 您確定要退出此會話嗎?
ARE_YOU_SURE_LEAVE Are you sure you want to leave? 您確定要離開嗎?
AS_ONLY_HOST_SESSION_WILL_END_IF_LEAVE As the only host in this session, the session will end if you leave. 作為此會話中的唯一主持人,如果您離開,會話將會結束。
ASSET_BUNDLE asset bundle name Asset Bundle 名稱
ATTENTION Attention 注意事項
AUDIO_RANGE Audio Range 音頻頻段
AUDIO_REPLACED Audio replaced 音頻已替換