Key English Chinese (Traditional)
SEND_SCREENSHOT Send Screenshot to Others? 發送截圖給其他人?
SERVER_NAME Session Name 會議名稱
SESSION_CAN_CONTINUE There are other hosts in this session, so the session can continue if you leave. 此會話中有其他主持人,因此如果您離開,會話會繼續進行。
SESSION_FULL Session full 會話已滿
SESSION_HAS_REACHED Session has reached the maximum number of users. It is not possible to join at this time. 會議已到達使用者的最大人數。目前無法加入。
SESSION_ID Session ID Not Found! 找不到會議 ID!
SESSION_ID_1 Session ID 會議 ID
SESSION_ID_COPIED Session ID copied 已複制會話ID
SESSION_INVITE_COPIED Session invite copied 已複制會話邀請
SESSION_IS_LOCKED '{0}' is locked. You cannot progress to this session. “{0}”已被鎖定。您不能繼續此會話。
SESSION_LOCKED_NOTIFICATION {0} (host) has locked this session. Nobody can enter until a host unlocks it. {0}(主機)已鎖定此會議。在主機解鎖之前,任何人都不能進入。
SESSION_MANAGEMENT Host Controls 主持人控制
SESSION_NAME Session Name 會議名稱
SESSION_NOT_EXIST The session you tried to join no longer exists 您嘗試加入的會話已不存在
SESSION_NOT_READY Session not ready to join. Please try again. 會話尚未準備好可加入。
SESSION_PASSWORD Session password 會話密碼
SESSION_PASSWORD_COPIED Session password copied 已複制會話密碼
SESSION_PORTAL Session Portal 會議傳送入口