
Key English French Actions
AI_SEARCH_WEB Search the web
AI_SEARCH_WEB_DESC Allows the character to search Google on the personal browser.
AI_SEARCH_WEB_PARAM_INFO This is the instruction that is given to the AI character for running a google search in the user's personal web browser. If you'd like the character to always refine the search beyond the user's request you could add those instructions here. E.g. "The search query appended with the word "fanart".
SHARED_THREAD Shared thread
RESET_1 Reset Réinitialiser
CHARACTER_PROMPT Character prompt
SELECT_AVATAR Select avatar
SELECT_AN_AVATAR_DESC Select an avatar that you have created using the avatar editor.
SELECT_AN_AVATAR Select an avatar
CHARACTER_PROMPT_INFO This is the base instruction that lets you define who your character is, what their purpose is, and what they know and what they don't know.
AI_MODEL_INFO Which GPT model should your character use?
SELECT_ANIMATION Select animation
SELECT_FACE_1 Select face
NO_FACE No face
CURRENT_FACE Current face
CURRENT_AVATAR Current avatar
af_ZA Afrikaans (South Africa) Afrikaans (Afrique du Sud)
ar_XA Arabic Arabe
eu_US Basque (Spain) Basque (Espagne)
bn_IN Bengali (India) Bengali (Inde)
bg_BG Bulgarian (Bulgaria) Bulgare (Bulgarie)
ca_ES Catalan (Spain) Catalan (Espagne)
yue_HK Chinese (Hong Kong) Chinois (Hong-Kong)
cs_CZ Czech (Czech Republic) Tchèque (République tchèque)
da_DK Danish (Denmark) Danois (Danemark)
nl_BE Dutch (Belgium) Néerlandais (Belgique)
nl_NL Dutch (Netherlands) Néerlandais (Pays-Bas)
en_AU English (Australia) Anglais (Australie)
en_IN English (India) Anglais (Inde)
Key English French Actions
NEW_IMAGE New Image Nouvelle image
NEW_LINK New link Nouveau lien
NEW_PASSWORD New Password Nouveau mot de passe
NEW_SCENE New Scene Nouvelle scène
NEW_SEQUENCE New Sequence Nouvelle séquence
NEW_TO New to ENGAGE? Try this experience first! ENGAGE est nouveau pour vous ? Essayez d'abord cette expérience !
NEXT Next Suivant
nl_BE Dutch (Belgium) Néerlandais (Belgique)
nl_NL Dutch (Netherlands) Néerlandais (Pays-Bas)
NO No Non
NO_AI_CHARACTERS No AI characters available
NO_AI_GROUPS No AI enabled groups
NO_CONTENT_AVAILABLE No content files available Aucun fichier de contenu disponible
NO_EDITOR_MESSAGE This feature is not available on the phone version of ENGAGE Cette fonctionnalité n'est pas disponible sur la version téléphonique d'ENGAGE
NO_EMOJI_REACTIONS No Emoji Reactions Pas de réactions émoji
NO_FACE No face
NO_FADE_IN_2 Fade in and fade out is not available for this effect. Le fondu enchaîné n'est pas disponible pour cet effet.
NO_FULL_BODY_AVATARS No full-body Avatars
NO_MEDIA_IS Share media with others in session Aucun média actuellement en lecture
NO_MEDIA_IS_1 No media is currently being shared Aucun média partagé actuellement
NO_RECORDED No Recorded Media Aucun média enregistré
NO_RECORDED_1 No Recorded IFX Aucun effet immersif enregistré
NO_RECORDED_2 No Recorded Quizzes Aucun quiz enregistré
NO_RECORDED_TOGGLES No Recorded Toggles (Lights, Doors, etc) Aucune bascule enregistrée (lumières, portes, etc.)
NO_RECORDINGS_AVAILABLE No recordings are currently playing Aucun enregistrement en cours de lecture
NOSE Nose Nez
NO_SEARCH_RESULTS No items match your search Aucun objet ne correspond à votre recherche
NO_SEARCH_RESULTS_VIDEO No videos match your search Aucune vidéo ne correspond à votre recherche
NO_START No Start Clean Non


User avatar None

String updated in the repository

TestProject / UnityFrench

7 months ago
Browse all component changes


English French
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
7 months ago
Source string age
7 months ago
Translation file
translation-unity_fr.xlf, string 2255