
Key English Italian Actions
te_IN Telugu (India) Telugu (India)
th_TH Thai (Thailand) Thailandese (Thailandia)
tr_TR Turkish (Turkey) Turco (Turchia)
uk_UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) Ucraino (Ucraina)
vi_VN Vietnamese (Vietnam) Vietnamita (Vietnam)
VOCAL_PITCH Vocal pitch:
REPLACE_ASSISTANT_SUCCESS Successfully replaced Assistant ID
REPLACE_ASSISTANT_FAIL Failed to resolve Assistant ID
EXIT_1 Exit Esci
SELECT_GROUP Select group Seleziona gruppo
MY_CHARACTERS My characters
MY_CHARACTERS_DESC Select a character from an AI-enabled group to edit, or create a new AI character.
CREATE_CHARACTER Create character
ASSISTANT_ID_INFO Assistant ID is automatically created for you. If you have a pre-made OpenAI Assistant ID and would like to use it, you can enter it here.
ASSISTANT_ID_REPLACE_INFO AI characters in ENGAGE work using OpenAI Assistants API. This Assistant is automatically created for your character when it is first saved, and this information is handled automatically in the AI Character Builder.

If you have a pre-made assistant that is compatible with ENGAGE and would like to use it, you can enter the Assistant ID here. Keep in mind changes will be made to the assistant to ensure compatibility.
EDIT_CHARACTER Edit character
CREATE_CHARACTE Create character
ONLY_HOSTS Only hosts will be able to interact with this AI character.
SHARED_THREAD_REC Shared Thread (Recommended)
SHARED_THREAD_DESC AI uses a single shared memory thread for all users in session.
DELETE_CHARACTER Delete character
CURRENT_ANIMATION Current animation
SHOW_AI_STATUS_DESC Show the current status of the character above the nametag.
KEYBOARD_DICTATION_TOOLTIP Speech to Text coming soon
RESTRICT_GROUP_MEMBERS_ONLY Restrict to group members only Limita ai soli membri del gruppo
CONNECTIONS_ONLY_HOSTS_INVITATIONS Only Hosts can invite Solo gli host possono invitare
APP_ID App ID ID dell'app
APP_ID_ERROR_MESSAGE The App ID field is required. Il campo ID dell'app è obbligatorio.
Key English Italian Actions
APPLY_NEW_SKIN_TONE Apply new skin tone for this My Face image Applica un nuovo tono di pelle a questa MyFace
APPLY_PROFILE_PHOTO Capture a picture Cattura una foto
A_RECORDING_1 A recording is currently controlling media Una registrazione sta controllando attualmente i contenuti multimediali
ARE_YOU Are you sitting? Sei seduto/a?
ARE_YOU_SURE Are you sure you want to leave the session? Sei sicuro/a di voler uscire dalla sessione?
ARE_YOU_SURE_1 Are you sure? Confermi?
ARE_YOU_SURE_2 Are you sure you want to end this session? Desideri terminare questa sessione?
ARE_YOU_SURE_3 Are you sure you want to leave this session? Desideri uscire da questa sessione?
ARE_YOU_SURE_LEAVE Are you sure you want to leave? Desideri uscire?
ar_XA Arabic Arabo
ASKME Ask me
AS_ONLY_HOST_SESSION_WILL_END_IF_LEAVE As the only host in this session, the session will end if you leave. Come unico host di questa sessione, la sessione verrà terminata se decidi di uscire.
ASSET_BUNDLE asset bundle name nome pacchetto di attività
ASSISTANT_ID_INFO Assistant ID is automatically created for you. If you have a pre-made OpenAI Assistant ID and would like to use it, you can enter it here.
ASSISTANT_ID_REPLACE_INFO AI characters in ENGAGE work using OpenAI Assistants API. This Assistant is automatically created for your character when it is first saved, and this information is handled automatically in the AI Character Builder.

If you have a pre-made assistant that is compatible with ENGAGE and would like to use it, you can enter the Assistant ID here. Keep in mind changes will be made to the assistant to ensure compatibility.
ATTENTION Attention Attenzione
AUDIO_RANGE Audio Range Range audio
AUDIO_REPLACED Audio replaced Audio sostituito
AUDIO_RESET_EXPLANATION Resetting your microphone service might help if you're having issues hearing other users or if they're having issues hearing you. Reimpostare il microfono può essere utile se non riesci a sentire gli altri utenti o se gli altri non ti sentono.
AVATAR_BODY_TYPE Avatar body type Tipo di corpo Avatar
AVATAR_DISABLED Avatar disabled Avatar disabilitato
AVATAR_ENABLED Avatar enabled Avatar abilitato
AVATAR_HEIGHT_TOOLTIP The height of your avatar should match your real life height for best performance of the avatar in sessions in VR. L'altezza del tuo Avatar deve corrispondere alla tua altezza reale per ottenere la migliore performance dell'Avatar nelle sessioni di VR.
AVATAR_MYFACE_DISABLED This cannot be edited when My Face is applied. Non modificabile quando MyFace è abilitata.
AVATAR_MYFACE_DISABLED_BEARDS Facial hair can't be edited when My Face is applied. I peli del volto non possono essere modificati quando MyFace è abilitata.
AVATAR_MYFACE_DISABLED_EYEBROWS Eyebrows can't be edited when My Face is applied. Le sopracciglia non possono essere modificate quando MyFace è abilitata.
AVATAR_MYFACE_DISABLED_FACE Facial Features can't be edited when My Face is applied. I tratti del volto non possono essere modificati quando MyFace è abilitata.


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TestProject / UnityItalian

7 months ago
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English Italian
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String age
7 months ago
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7 months ago
Translation file
translation-unity_it.xlf, string 2325