
Key English Italian Actions
REPLACE_ASSISTANT_SUCCESS Successfully replaced Assistant ID
REPLACE_ASSISTANT_FAIL Failed to resolve Assistant ID
EXIT_1 Exit Esci
SELECT_GROUP Select group Seleziona gruppo
MY_CHARACTERS My characters
MY_CHARACTERS_DESC Select a character from an AI-enabled group to edit, or create a new AI character.
CREATE_CHARACTER Create character
ASSISTANT_ID_INFO Assistant ID is automatically created for you. If you have a pre-made OpenAI Assistant ID and would like to use it, you can enter it here.
ASSISTANT_ID_REPLACE_INFO AI characters in ENGAGE work using OpenAI Assistants API. This Assistant is automatically created for your character when it is first saved, and this information is handled automatically in the AI Character Builder.

If you have a pre-made assistant that is compatible with ENGAGE and would like to use it, you can enter the Assistant ID here. Keep in mind changes will be made to the assistant to ensure compatibility.
EDIT_CHARACTER Edit character
CREATE_CHARACTE Create character
ONLY_HOSTS Only hosts will be able to interact with this AI character.
SHARED_THREAD_REC Shared Thread (Recommended)
SHARED_THREAD_DESC AI uses a single shared memory thread for all users in session.
DELETE_CHARACTER Delete character
CURRENT_ANIMATION Current animation
SHOW_AI_STATUS_DESC Show the current status of the character above the nametag.
KEYBOARD_DICTATION_TOOLTIP Speech to Text coming soon
RESTRICT_GROUP_MEMBERS_ONLY Restrict to group members only Limita ai soli membri del gruppo
CONNECTIONS_ONLY_HOSTS_INVITATIONS Only Hosts can invite Solo gli host possono invitare
APP_ID App ID ID dell'app
APP_ID_ERROR_MESSAGE The App ID field is required. Il campo ID dell'app è obbligatorio.
CONNECTIONS_INVITATIONS_EMPTY_CONNECT_RECEIVED You have no invitations to connect Non hai inviti alla connessione
CONNECTIONS_INVITATIONS_EMPTY_CONNECT_SENT You have no pending requests Non ci sono richieste in sospeso
CONNECTIONS_INVITATIONS_TITLE_CONNECT_RECEIVED Connection requests Richieste di connessione
CONNECTIONS_INVITATIONS_TITLE_CONNECT_SENT Sent connection requests Richieste di connessione inviate
CREATE_EXTERNAL_PORTAL Create External Portal Crea un portale esterno
DEEPLINK_MESSAGE Deeplink message (Optional) Messaggio deeplink (opzionale)
Key English Italian Actions
CREATE_IFX_SNAPSHOT Create IFX Snapshot Crea istantanea IFX
CREATE_LINK_ERROR_BODY Your link wasn't created due to a network error. Check your connection and try again. Il link non è stato creato a causa di un errore di rete. Controlla la connessione e riprova.
CREATE_LINK_ERROR_TITLE Your link could not be created Impossibile creare il link
CREATE_MY Create My Own Crea il mio personale
CREATE_MY_FACE Create new face Crea nuovo volto
CREATE_NEW Create New Crea
CREATE_NEW_EFFECT Create New Effect Crea nuovo effetto
CREATE_PASSWORD Create Password Crea password
CREATE_PORTAL_PORTAL Create portal Crea portale
CREATE_RECORDING Create a recording Crea una registrazione
CREATE_SESSION_PORTAL Create Session Portal Crea portale
CREATE_SPAWN_POINT Create spawn point Crea il punto di ingresso
CREATOR_ONLINE Creator Online Strumento di creazione online
CREATOR_TOOLS Creator Tools Strumenti di creazione
cs_CZ Czech (Czech Republic) Ceco (Repubblica Ceca)
CURRENT_ANIMATION Current animation
CURRENT_AVATAR Current avatar
CURRENT_EFFECT_OPTIONS Current Effect Options Opzioni effetto attuali
CURRENT_FACE Current face
CURRENTLY_DELIVERING Currently delivering a form to NEW JOINS: Consegna di un modulo a NUOVI PARTECIPANTI in corso:
CURRENT_PASSWORD Current Password Password corrente
CURRENT_PASSWORD_1 Current password is incorrect La password attuale non è corretta
CURRENT_PASSWORD_WRONG Current password provided is wrong. Please try again. La password attuale fornita è errata. Riprova.
CURRENT_PHOTO Current photo Foto corrente
CURRENT_SEQUENCE Current Sequence Sequenza corrente
CURRENT_USER Current User Height: Altezza utente attuale:
CURVE Curve Curva
CUSTOMIZE Customize Personalizza
CUSTOM_NAME Custom Name Nome personalizzato
da_DK Danish (Denmark) Danese (Danimarca)


User avatar None

String updated in the repository

TestProject / UnityItalian

6 months ago
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English Italian
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String information

String age
6 months ago
Source string age
6 months ago
Translation file
translation-unity_it.xlf, string 2332