
Key English Korean Actions
YOU_CAN_PLAY You can play recordings from your device. 기기에서 녹화본을 재생할 수 있습니다.
YOU_CAN_PLAY_1 You can play recordings from your device or your Cloud Files. 기기나 클라우드 파일에서 녹화본을 재생할 수 있습니다.
YOU_CAN_RECORD You can record up to 8 people on Android devices. 안드로이드 디바이스에서 최대 8명을 녹화할 수 있습니다.
YOU_HAVE You have been logged out due to an unauthorized error. Please make sure you do not sign in on another device or browser while using ENGAGE! 승인되지 않은 오류 때문에 로그아웃되었습니다. ENGAGE를 사용하는 동안 다른 장치나 브라우저에 로그인하지 마세요!
YOU_HAVE_PLUS You have an ENGAGE PLUS subscription ENGAGE PLUS 구독 중입니다.
YOUR_ACCOUNT Your account details have been updated! 계정 상세 정보가 업데이트되었습니다!
YOUR_CONTENT_MIGHT Your content might be stored in your Cloud Files. 콘텐츠는 클라우드 파일에 저장될 수 있습니다.
YOUR_PASSWORD Your password has been updated! 암호가 업데이트되었습니다!
YOUR_PASSWORD_1 These credentials do not match our records. 이 자격 증명은 우리의 기록과 일치하지 않습니다.
YOUR_RECORDINGS_MIGHT Your recordings might be stored in your Cloud Files. 녹화본이 클라우드 파일에 저장되었을 수도 있습니다.
YOUR_SESSION Your Session ID is: 내 세션 ID:
YOUTUBE_OR YouTube or direct video file URL YouTube 또는 동영상 파일 URL
ZOOM Zoom 확대/축소
OPENAI_KEY_REQUIRED OpenAI API key is required in your group settings in order to use the AI Character Builder.
ADVANCED_SETTINGS Advanced settings 고급 설정
AI_GENERATE_IMAGE Generate image
AI_GENERATE_IMAGE_DESC Allows the character to use Dall-E to generate an image.
AI_GENERATE_IMAGE_PARAMETER_INFO This is the instruction that is given to the AI Character for how it will instruct Dall-E to create the image based on the user's verbal command. If you wish to refine the instructions  to ensure that the image is created in a particular style then you can define that by altering the command below. E.g. "The details of the image to create. Always state that this should be "in the style of Vincent Van Gogh”.
AI_ANALYZE_VIEW_PARAM_INFO This request takes a snapshot of the user's view. This instruction tells the AI Character how to instruct ChatGPT on how to respond to that image. If you wish to force certain context for this use-case you can define that by altering the command below. E.g. "The question or prompt from the user about what they are looking at, adding as much context as may be needed in the prompt to ensure a successful result. Ignore any human figures present in the image”.
AI_ANALYZE_VIEW Analyze view
AI_ANALYZE_VIEW_DESC Allows the character to see and comment on what the user is looking at.
AI_GENERATE_MESH Generate mesh
AI_GENERATE_MESH_DESC Allows the character to generate a new 3d model using
AI_GENERATE_MESH_PARAM_INFO This is the instruction that is given to the AI Character for how it will generate new meshes. You may want to narrow the types of meshes or give specific instructions on mesh theme.
AI_GENERATE_SKYBOX_DESC Allows the character to use Blockade Labs to generate a 360 image.
AI_GENERATE_SKYBOX_PARAM_INFO This is the instruction that is given to the AI Character for how it will instruct Blockade Labs to create the skybox. If you wish to refine the instructions  to ensure that the skybox is created in a particular style then you can define that by altering the command below. E.g. "The details of the skybox or 360 image to create. Always state that this should be "in a fantasy style”.
AI_CREATE_STICKY_NOTE Create sticky note 포스트잇 생성
AI_CREATE_STICKY_NOTE_DESC Allows the character to create a sticky note with user-specified text.
Key English Korean Actions
OCULUS_TOUCH Oculus Touch Oculus Touch
OK OK 확인
OKAY Okay 확인
OKAY_THANKS Okay Thanks 네, 고마워요
ON ON 켜짐
ONLY_CLOUD_PLAYBACK Only cloud recordings will play for others when in scalable events. 확장 가능한 이벤트 시 클라우드 녹화본만 다른 사용자에게 재생하게 됩니다.
ONLY_HOSTS Only hosts will be able to interact with this AI character.
ONLY_ONE Only one form can be active at a time per user. A new form will close an existing one, submitted or not. 사용자별로 한 번에 양식 하나만 활성화할 수 있습니다. 새 양식을 만들면 제출 여부와 상관 없이 기존 양식이 닫힙니다.
ONLY_PEOPLE Only users you give your Session ID to can join. 내 세션 ID를 받은 사용자만 참가할 수 있습니다.
ONLY_THE_HOST Only the host can load new locations. 주최자만 새로운 위치를 불러올 수 있습니다.
OPACITY Opacity 불투명함
OPEN Open 열기
OPENAI_KEY_REQUIRED OpenAI API key is required in your group settings in order to use the AI Character Builder.
OPERATING_SYSTEM Operating System 운영체제
OPERATION_ERROR_BODY There was an error performing the operation. 작동 도중에 오류가 발생했습니다.
OPERATION_ERROR_TITLE Operation Error 작동 오류
OPTIONS Options 옵션
OR Or 혹은
ORIGINAL_OUTFITS Original Outfits Only (No Overrides) 원래 의상만(덮어쓰기 불가)
OR_YOU_CAN Or you can create a new recording. 아니면 새로운 녹화본을 생성할 수 있습니다.
OR_YOU_CAN_CONTENT Or you can use the Content Editor to create your own content. 또는 콘텐츠 편집기를 사용하여 자신만의 콘텐츠를 만들 수도 있습니다.
OR_YOU_CAN_SNAPSHOT Or you can create a new snapshot to load it from here. 또는 새 스냅샷을 생성하여 여기에서 로드할 수 있습니다.
OTHER_LINKS Other links 기타 링크
OTHER_USER Other User 기타 회원
OUR_POLICIES Our policies have been updated, you must agree to them before continuing to ENGAGE. Thank you! 당사 정책이 업데이트되었습니다. ENGAGE를 계속하려면 동의해야 합니다. 감사합니다!
OUR_POLICIES_1 Our Policies Have Been Updated 당사 정책이 업데이트되었습니다
OUTFIT Outfit 의상


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TestProject / UnityKorean

5 months ago
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English Korean
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String age
5 months ago
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5 months ago
Translation file
translation-unity_ko.xlf, string 2207