
Key English Chinese (Simplified) Actions
AI_SEARCH_WEB_PARAM_INFO This is the instruction that is given to the AI character for running a google search in the user's personal web browser. If you'd like the character to always refine the search beyond the user's request you could add those instructions here. E.g. "The search query appended with the word "fanart".
SHARED_THREAD Shared thread
RESET_1 Reset 重置
CHARACTER_PROMPT Character prompt
SELECT_AVATAR Select avatar
SELECT_AN_AVATAR_DESC Select an avatar that you have created using the avatar editor.
SELECT_AN_AVATAR Select an avatar
CHARACTER_PROMPT_INFO This is the base instruction that lets you define who your character is, what their purpose is, and what they know and what they don't know.
AI_MODEL_INFO Which GPT model should your character use?
SELECT_ANIMATION Select animation
SELECT_FACE_1 Select face
NO_FACE No face
CURRENT_FACE Current face
CURRENT_AVATAR Current avatar
af_ZA Afrikaans (South Africa) 南非荷兰语(南非)
ar_XA Arabic 阿拉伯语
eu_US Basque (Spain) 巴斯克语(西班牙)
bn_IN Bengali (India) 孟加拉语(印度)
bg_BG Bulgarian (Bulgaria) 保加利亚语(保加利亚)
ca_ES Catalan (Spain) 加泰罗尼亚语(西班牙)
yue_HK Chinese (Hong Kong) 中文 (香港)
cs_CZ Czech (Czech Republic) 捷克语(捷克共和国)
da_DK Danish (Denmark) 丹麦语(丹麦)
nl_BE Dutch (Belgium) 荷兰语(比利时)
nl_NL Dutch (Netherlands) 荷兰语(荷兰)
en_AU English (Australia) 英语(澳大利亚)
en_IN English (India) 英语(印度)
en_GB English (UK) 英语(英国)
en_US English (US)
Key English Chinese (Simplified) Actions
CREATE_LINK_ERROR_BODY Your link wasn't created due to a network error. Check your connection and try again. 由于网络错误,您的链接未能创建。请检查您的连接,然后重试。
CREATE_LINK_ERROR_TITLE Your link could not be created 无法创建您的链接
CREATE_MY Create My Own 创建我的
CREATE_MY_FACE Create new face 创建新面孔
CREATE_NEW Create New 新建
CREATE_NEW_EFFECT Create New Effect 创建新效果
CREATE_PASSWORD Create Password 创建密码
CREATE_PORTAL_PORTAL Create portal 创建门户
CREATE_RECORDING Create a recording 创建一个录制
CREATE_SESSION_PORTAL Create Session Portal 创建会话门户
CREATE_SPAWN_POINT Create spawn point 创建刷新点
CREATOR_ONLINE Creator Online 在线创建者
CREATOR_TOOLS Creator Tools 创建者工具
cs_CZ Czech (Czech Republic) 捷克语(捷克共和国)
CURRENT_ANIMATION Current animation
CURRENT_AVATAR Current avatar
CURRENT_EFFECT_OPTIONS Current Effect Options 当前效果选项
CURRENT_FACE Current face
CURRENTLY_DELIVERING Currently delivering a form to NEW JOINS: 正在向新加入者递送表格:
CURRENT_PASSWORD Current Password 当前密码
CURRENT_PASSWORD_1 Current password is incorrect 当前密码不正确
CURRENT_PASSWORD_WRONG Current password provided is wrong. Please try again. 当前提供的密码有误。请重试。
CURRENT_PHOTO Current photo 当前照片
CURRENT_SEQUENCE Current Sequence 当前序列
CURRENT_USER Current User Height: 当前用户身高:
CURVE Curve 曲线
CUSTOMIZE Customize 自定义
CUSTOM_NAME Custom Name 自定义名称
da_DK Danish (Denmark) 丹麦语(丹麦)
DATE Date 日期


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String updated in the repository

TestProject / UnityChinese (Simplified)

7 months ago
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English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
7 months ago
Source string age
7 months ago
Translation file
translation-unity_zh-CN.xlf, string 2257