
Key English Chinese (Simplified) Actions
ENTERPRISE_FULL_SESSION This session can only accommodate {n} users at once. 此会议一次只能容纳{n}个用户。
ENTERPRISE_LIST Enterprise Group List 企业小组列表
ENTERPRISE_LIST_DESC Visible to users within your Enterprise group tab within the join menu listings. 对“加入”菜单列表中的“企业组”选项卡内的用户可见。
ENTERPRISE_TOOL_TIP_DESCRIPTION This session can accommodate a maximum of {n} users. 此会议最多可容纳{n}个用户。
ENTER_SESSION_NAME Enter Session Name 输入会话名称
ENTER_SPAWN_POINT Enter spawn point name 输入刷新点名称
ENTER_TEXT Enter text... 输入文本……
ENTER_THE Enter the text displayed on this UI object. 输入该 UI 对象上显示的文本。
ENTER_THE_1 Enter the value for this effect. 输入该效果的值。
ENTER_THE_LABEL Enter the label for your button here 在此输入按钮的标签
ENTER_USER_ID Enter User ID 输入用户ID
ENTER_USERNAME Enter Username 输入用户名
ENTER_USERNAME_1 Enter Username or Email Address 输入用户名或电子邮件地址
ENTER_VIDEO Enter Video URL or Search Query 输入视频 URL 或搜索查询
ENTER_YOUR_URL Enter your URL here 在此输入你的链接
en_US English (US)
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED_1 Access denied 拒绝访问
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED_DESC Can't access the specified file or folder. 无法访问指定的文件或文件夹。
ERROR_ASSET_BUNDLE_1 There was an error downloading required assets. Please check your Internet connection and restart ENGAGE to try again. 下载所需资源时出错。请检查您的 Internet 连接,并重新启动 ENGAGE,然后重试。
ERROR_AUTHENTICATION You have been logged out because you logged in from another device. 您已被注销,因为您已从其他设备登录。
ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_1 You have been logged out due to a network communication error. Please check your Internet connection. 由于网络通信错误,您已登出。请检查您的互联网连接。
ERROR_CANT_LIST_DESC Can't list the content of the specified location. 无法显示指定位置的内容。
ERROR_CHANGING_PASSWORD There was an error changing your password. Please check your current password and try again. 更改密码时出错。 请检查您当前的密码,然后重试。
ERROR_CONNECTING Error connecting to ENGAGE. Please ensure you are connected to the Internet and your system drive has free space for content and then restart. 连接 ENGAGE 时出错。请确保您已连接到 Internet,且系统驱动器还有多余的内容空间,然后重新启动。
ERROR_DESTINATION_API_NAME_MESSAGE The Destination API Name field is required. 目标API名称字段为必填。
ERROR_DOWNLOAD_ASSETS There was an error while downloading required assets. Please check your drive space and network connection and restart ENGAGE. 下载所需资源时出错。请检查您的驱动器空间和网络连接,然后重新启动 ENGAGE。
ERROR_DOWNLOADING_ASSETS There was an error downloading required assets. Please check your Internet connection and restart ENGAGE to try again. 下载所需资源时出错。请检查您的 Internet 连接,并重新启动 ENGAGE,然后重试。
ERROR_ENABLING Error enabling advanced tracking! The left and right foot are required. Please make sure these two trackers are tracking and identified! 启用高级跟踪出错!


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TestProject / UnityChinese (Simplified)

7 months ago
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English Chinese (Simplified)
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7 months ago
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7 months ago
Translation file
translation-unity_zh-CN.xlf, string 2272