
Key English Chinese (Simplified) Actions
th_TH Thai (Thailand) 泰语(泰国)
tr_TR Turkish (Turkey) 土耳其语(土耳其)
uk_UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) 乌克兰语(乌克兰)
vi_VN Vietnamese (Vietnam) 越南语(越南)
VOCAL_PITCH Vocal pitch:
REPLACE_ASSISTANT_SUCCESS Successfully replaced Assistant ID
REPLACE_ASSISTANT_FAIL Failed to resolve Assistant ID
EXIT_1 Exit 退出
SELECT_GROUP Select group 选定组
MY_CHARACTERS My characters
MY_CHARACTERS_DESC Select a character from an AI-enabled group to edit, or create a new AI character.
CREATE_CHARACTER Create character
ASSISTANT_ID_INFO Assistant ID is automatically created for you. If you have a pre-made OpenAI Assistant ID and would like to use it, you can enter it here.
ASSISTANT_ID_REPLACE_INFO AI characters in ENGAGE work using OpenAI Assistants API. This Assistant is automatically created for your character when it is first saved, and this information is handled automatically in the AI Character Builder.

If you have a pre-made assistant that is compatible with ENGAGE and would like to use it, you can enter the Assistant ID here. Keep in mind changes will be made to the assistant to ensure compatibility.
EDIT_CHARACTER Edit character
CREATE_CHARACTE Create character
ONLY_HOSTS Only hosts will be able to interact with this AI character.
SHARED_THREAD_REC Shared Thread (Recommended)
SHARED_THREAD_DESC AI uses a single shared memory thread for all users in session.
DELETE_CHARACTER Delete character
CURRENT_ANIMATION Current animation
SHOW_AI_STATUS_DESC Show the current status of the character above the nametag.
KEYBOARD_DICTATION_TOOLTIP Speech to Text coming soon
RESTRICT_GROUP_MEMBERS_ONLY Restrict to group members only 仅限群成员
CONNECTIONS_ONLY_HOSTS_INVITATIONS Only Hosts can invite 只有主持人可以邀请
APP_ID_ERROR_MESSAGE The App ID field is required. 应用ID字段为必填。
Key English Chinese (Simplified) Actions
DOCUMENTS Documents 文档
DONT_SHOW_AGAIN Don't show this message again 不再显示此消息
DONT_SHOW_AGAIN_1 Don't show me this again 不要再显示这个
DOWNLOAD Download 下载
DOWNLOAD_FIRST To go to this location, you need to download it first. 若要转到此位置,您需要先下载它。
DOWNLOADING Downloading 正在下载
DOWNLOADING_ASSET Downloading Asset Updates 正在下载资源更新
DOWNLOADING_UPDATE Downloading Update 正在下载更新
DO_YOU Do you want others to join you? 您想让别人加入吗?
DROPDOWN_TITLE_FILTER Filter items by 根据筛选的项目
DROPDOWN_TITLE_SORT Sort items by 项目排序依据
DROPOBJECT_LEFT DropObject_Left 拖放对象_左
DURATION Length 长度
EDIT Edit 编辑
EDIT_AVATAR Edit Avatar 编辑头像
EDIT_CHARACTER Edit character
EDIT_DETAILS Edit details 编辑详细信息
EDIT_FILE_DETAILS Edit file details 编辑文件详细信息
EDIT_FILE_DETAILS_ERROR_BODY Your file wasn't updated due to a network error. Check your connection and try again. 由于网络错误,您的文件没有更新。请检查您的连接,然后重试。
EDIT_FILE_DETAILS_ERROR_TITLE Your file details could not be updated 无法更新您的文件详细信息
EDIT_FOLDER_DETAILS Edit folder details 编辑文件夹详细信息
EDIT_FOLDER_DETAILS_ERROR_BODY Your folder wasn't updated due to a network error. Check your connection and try again. 由于网络错误,您的文件夹没有更新。请检查您的连接,然后重试。
EDIT_FOLDER_DETAILS_ERROR_TITLE Your folder details could not be updated 无法更新您的文件夹详细信息
EDIT_LINK_ERROR_BODY Your link wasn't updated due to a network error. Check your connection and try again. 由于网络错误,您的链接未更新。请检查您的连接,然后重试。
EDIT_LINK_ERROR_TITLE Your link could not be updated 无法更新您的链接
EDIT_LOCATION_ANCHOR Edit Location Anchor placement 编辑位置锚点摆放
EDITOR_NEW_CHECK This will clear your current lesson and erase all work that has not been saved. Are you sure you want to start a new lesson? 这将清除您当前的课程,并清除所有尚未保存的工作。您确定要开始新的课程吗?
EDITOR_NOTE Editor Note: Locations have different world root positions and scales. Any current effects may need to be adjusted in order to be seen correctly once location is changed. 编辑备注:位置具有不同的世界根位置和量表。为在更改位置后仍能正确显示,任何当前效果都可能需要调整。
EDIT_PROFILE_PHOTO Choose a background color 选择背景颜色
EDIT_RECORDING Edit Recording 编辑音像


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String updated in the repository

TestProject / UnityChinese (Simplified)

7 months ago
Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
7 months ago
Source string age
7 months ago
Translation file
translation-unity_zh-CN.xlf, string 2326