
Key English Arabic Actions
AI_LOAD_VIDEO_DESC Allows the character to search YouTube for a video and play the top result.
AI_LOAD_VIDEO_PARAM_INFO This is the instruction that is given to the AI Character for how it will search for a video from YouTube. If you wish to constrain the search to specific categories of video then you may do so here. E.g "The subject of the video to load always append this search with the word "ambiance" and "background music" to ensure that videos with speaking are not played".
AI_LOAD_WEBPAGE Load webpage
AI_LOAD_WEBPAGE_DESC Allows the character to load a specified website onto the personal browser.
AI_LOAD_WEBPAGE_PARAM_INFO This is the instruction that is given to the AI Character for loading a webpage in the user's personal web browser. If you wish to limit which web pages it will load you could do so here. E.g. "The URL of the webpage. If the user has asked to load, instead load”.
AI_RESET_MEMORY Reset memory
AI_RESET_MEMORY_DESC Restarts the AI Character (useful for troubleshooting).
AI_SEARCH_WEB Search the web
AI_SEARCH_WEB_DESC Allows the character to search Google on the personal browser.
AI_SEARCH_WEB_PARAM_INFO This is the instruction that is given to the AI character for running a google search in the user's personal web browser. If you'd like the character to always refine the search beyond the user's request you could add those instructions here. E.g. "The search query appended with the word "fanart".
SHARED_THREAD Shared thread
RESET_1 Reset إعادة تعيين
CHARACTER_PROMPT Character prompt
SELECT_AVATAR Select avatar
SELECT_AN_AVATAR_DESC Select an avatar that you have created using the avatar editor.
SELECT_AN_AVATAR Select an avatar
CHARACTER_PROMPT_INFO This is the base instruction that lets you define who your character is, what their purpose is, and what they know and what they don't know.
AI_MODEL_INFO Which GPT model should your character use?
SELECT_ANIMATION Select animation
SELECT_FACE_1 Select face
NO_FACE No face
CURRENT_FACE Current face
CURRENT_AVATAR Current avatar
af_ZA Afrikaans (South Africa)
ar_XA Arabic
eu_US Basque (Spain)
bn_IN Bengali (India)
bg_BG Bulgarian (Bulgaria)
ca_ES Catalan (Spain)
Key English Arabic Actions
SEAT_USER Seat User إجلاس المستخدم
SEC Sec ثانية
SECONDS_2 Seconds ثوانٍ
SECURITY_LOGIN Security & log-in الأمان وتسجيل الدخول
SECURITY_RESETPASSWORD_1 For security reasons, you must reset your password before entering ENGAGE. لأسباب أمنية، يجب عليك إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور الخاصة بك قبل الدخول إلى ENGAGE.
SECURITY_RESETPASSWORD_2 Click reset password to send a link to your registered email address. انقر فوق إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور لإرسال رابط إلى عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني المسجل.
SEEKING Seeking... جارٍ البحث...
SELECT_A SELECT A CONTROL OPTION FOR MORE INFO حدد خيار التحكم للتعرف على مزيد من المعلومات
SELECT_A_4 Select a new Audio File (mp3, wav, ogg) حدد ملف صوتي جديد (mp3،‏ wav،‏ ogg)
SELECT_A_FACE Select a face to use or create a new one. حدد وجهًا لاستخدامه أو قم بإنشاء وجه جديد.
SELECT_AI Select an AI Character
SELECT_ALL Select All تحديد الكل
SELECT_AN_AVATAR Select an avatar
SELECT_AN_AVATAR_DESC Select an avatar that you have created using the avatar editor.
SELECT_ANIMATION Select animation
SELECT_AVATAR Select avatar
SELECT_EDUPLACE Select Eduplace تحديد Eduplace
SELECT_FACE_ Select Face Image File حدد ملف صورة الوجه
SELECT_FACE_1 Select face
SELECT_FILE Select a File حدد ملفًا
SELECT_FILE_LOCATION_BODY You can move this file to any folder inside the Contents folder يمكنك نقل هذا الملف إلى أي مجلد داخل مجلد المحتويات
SELECT_FILE_LOCATION_TITLE Select a new location for your file حدد موقعًا جديدًا لملفك
SELECT_FORMAT Select Format To Play Video حدد التنسيق لتشغيل الفيديو
SELECT_GROUP Select group اختيار مجموعة
SELECT_INTERACT Select / Interact تحديد / تفاعل
SELECTION Selection تحديد
SELECT_LOG_FILE Select Log File: حدد ملف السجل:


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String updated in the repository

TestProject / UnityArabic

4 months ago
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English Arabic
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String age
4 months ago
Source string age
4 months ago
Translation file
translation-unity_ar.xlf, string 2248