Source string

Key English Actions
LOCATION_SAMELOCATION You are currently in this location
LOCKED_SESSION_WARNING This Session has been locked by a host. You can try again in a while.
LOCKING_USER_IN_SEAT_IN_X_SECONDS Locking user in seat in {0}
LOCKING_USERS_IN_SEATS_IN_X_SECONDS Locking users in seats in {0}
LOCK_LOCATION_ANCHOR Lock to Location Anchor
LOCK_SESSION_ADDITIONAL_MESSAGE_STANDARD_SESSION NOTE: As the session creator, you are the only one who can unlock it. Other hosts cannot unlock this type of session.
LOCK_SESSION_DESCRIPTION Nobody can enter this session until a host unlocks it.
LOCK_SESSION_DESCRIPTION_STANDARD_SESSION Nobody can join this session until you unlock it.
LOCK_SESSION_STANDARD_SESSION_TOOLTIP Lock session is only available for session creator.
LOCK_USERS Lock users in seats
LOGIN Log in
LOGIN_CONFIG_FILES_DOWNLOAD_ERROR There was an error, please check internet connection and restart
LOGIN_ERROR_CONNECT_SERVER There was a problem connecting to the server. Please try again. If this error persists, check your Internet connection and restart ENGAGE.
LOGIN_ERROR_INTERNETACCESS Login Failed. Please check your internet connection.
LOGIN_ERROR_REGISTERING There was a problem registering. Please try again. If this error persists, check your Internet connection and restart ENGAGE.
LOGIN_ERROR_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS Too many failed log-in attempts. Please reset your password or wait {0} minutes and try again.
LOGIN_ERROR_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS_ONE_MINUTE Too many failed log-in attempts. Please reset your password or wait {0} minute and try again.
LOGIN_FAILED These credentials do not match our records.
LOGIN_FAILED_CHECK_CONNECTION Log in Failed. Please check your internet connection.
LOGIN_FAILED_NORMAL_LOGIN_TYPE This account doesn’t use single sign-on (SSO).
LOGIN_FAILED_SSO We were unable to authenticate you with your SSO identity provider.
LOGIN_FAILED_SSO_EMAIL_NOT_MATCH We were unable to authenticate your SSO login due to an email mismatch between your ENGAGE account and the SSO identity provider.
LOGIN_FAILED_SSO_LOGIN_TYPE This account requires you to use single sign-on (SSO).
LOGIN_REMEMBER_ME_AUTH_METHOD_CHANGED Your authentication method has changed recently. Please log in again.
LOGIN_REMEMBER_ME_DISABLED_NOTIFICATION Remember Me is turned off for your group.
LOGIN_REMEMBER_ME_EXPIRED It's been {0} days since you last logged in. Please log in again.


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String updated in the repository

TestProject / UnityEnglish

4 months ago
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Long untranslated

The string has not been translated for a long time



English English
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String information

String age
4 months ago
Source string age
4 months ago
Translation file
translation-unity_en.xlf, string 2411