Source string

Key English Actions
ALL_SET_DESC_3 To access the additional information some other time, go to the Mixed Reality menu.
ALL_USERS All users will be brought to this location.
ALL_USERS_1 All users
ALL_VIDEO All video is shared publicly on shared media screens.
ALLOW_AVATAR_SFX Enable Avatar Sound FX (clapping / etc.)
ALLOW_PERMISSIONS Allow permissions
ALLOW_USER Allow user to unmute themselves
ALLOW_USERS Allow users to unmute themselves
ALLOW_USERS_UNMUTE Allow users to unmute themselves
ALREADY_A Already a stop state!
AN_EMAIL An email verification link has been sent to the email address you provided during registration. Verify your email within 72 hours of sign-up to continue using ENGAGE.
AN_EMAIL_1 An email verification link has been sent to
AN_EMAIL_2 Verify your email within 72 hours of sign-up to continue using ENGAGE.
AN_EMAIL_2_VIVESESSIONS Verify your email within 72 hours of sign-up to continue using VIVE Sessions.
AN_EMAIL_3 You must now verify your email before you can log in.
ANDROID_PERMISSION_HELLO To get the best experience we will need your permission to access some functions on your device.
ANDROID_PERMISSIONS_GOODBYE Some device features have been disabled. You will be able to join Sessions but you may not be able to use certain functionality.
ANDROID_PERMISSIONS_THANKS The application will now launch.
APPLY_1 Apply
APPLY_NEW_SKIN_TONE Apply new skin tone for this My Face image
APPLY_PROFILE_PHOTO Capture a picture
ARE_YOU Are you sitting?
ARE_YOU_SURE Are you sure you want to leave the session?
ARE_YOU_SURE_1 Are you sure?
ARE_YOU_SURE_2 Are you sure you want to end this session?
ARE_YOU_SURE_3 Are you sure you want to leave this session?
ARE_YOU_SURE_LEAVE Are you sure you want to leave?
AS_ONLY_HOST_SESSION_WILL_END_IF_LEAVE As the only host in this session, the session will end if you leave.
ASSET_BUNDLE asset bundle name
Key English Actions
ALLOW_AVATAR_SFX Enable Avatar Sound FX (clapping / etc.)
ALLOW_PERMISSIONS Allow permissions
ALLOW_USER Allow user to unmute themselves
ALLOW_USERS Allow users to unmute themselves
ALLOW_USERS_UNMUTE Allow users to unmute themselves
ALL_SET All set!
ALL_SET_DESC_1 Great, you’re all set up to explore the magic of mixed reality!
ALL_SET_DESC_2 There are a few more things we’d like to show you. For example, how to create a more detailed digital twin and how to conduct a session with people co-located in your physical space. However, if you’re exploring on your own, you don’t need to do anything else.
ALL_SET_DESC_3 To access the additional information some other time, go to the Mixed Reality menu.
ALL_USERS All users will be brought to this location.
ALL_USERS_1 All users
ALL_VIDEO All video is shared publicly on shared media screens.
ALREADY_A Already a stop state!
ANDROID_PERMISSION_HELLO To get the best experience we will need your permission to access some functions on your device.
ANDROID_PERMISSIONS_GOODBYE Some device features have been disabled. You will be able to join Sessions but you may not be able to use certain functionality.
ANDROID_PERMISSIONS_THANKS The application will now launch.
AN_EMAIL An email verification link has been sent to the email address you provided during registration. Verify your email within 72 hours of sign-up to continue using ENGAGE.
AN_EMAIL_1 An email verification link has been sent to
AN_EMAIL_2 Verify your email within 72 hours of sign-up to continue using ENGAGE.
AN_EMAIL_2_VIVESESSIONS Verify your email within 72 hours of sign-up to continue using VIVE Sessions.
AN_EMAIL_3 You must now verify your email before you can log in.
A_PASSWORD If {0} is registered as an ENGAGE account, you will receive an email with further instructions on how to reset your password shortly.
APP_ID_ERROR_MESSAGE The App ID field is required.
APPLY_1 Apply


User avatar None

String updated in the repository

TestProject / UnityEnglish

10 months ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Multiple failing checks

Following checks are failing:
Mismatched full stop: German, French, French



English English
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
10 months ago
Source string age
10 months ago
Translation file
translation-unity_en.xlf, string 83