
Key English Japanese Actions
YOU_CAN You can turn this effect into a more realistic fish school if desired. 必要に応じて、この効果をより現実的な魚の群れに変えることができます。
YOU_CAN_1 You can override default animations by choosing an animation and time that each override should occur (Relative to effect start) アニメーションと、各上書きが発生する時間(効果の開始に関連)を選択することにより、デフォルトのアニメーションを上書きできます
YOU_CAN_PLAY You can play recordings from your device. お手持ちの機器で記録を再生できます。
YOU_CAN_PLAY_1 You can play recordings from your device or your Cloud Files. デバイスやクラウドファイルの記録を再生することができます。
YOU_CAN_RECORD You can record up to 8 people on Android devices. Androidデバイスでは最大8人を記録できます。
YOU_HAVE You have been logged out due to an unauthorized error. Please make sure you do not sign in on another device or browser while using ENGAGE! 不正エラーによりログアウトしました。ENGAGEの使用中は、別のデバイスやブラウザにサインインしないでください。
YOU_HAVE_PLUS You have an ENGAGE PLUS subscription ENGAGE PLUS購読済み
YOUR_ACCOUNT Your account details have been updated! アカウントの詳細が更新されました!
YOUR_CONTENT_MIGHT Your content might be stored in your Cloud Files. あなたのコンテンツは、クラウドファイルに保存されているかもしれません。
YOUR_PASSWORD Your password has been updated! パスワードが更新されました!
YOUR_PASSWORD_1 These credentials do not match our records. 認証情報が当社の記録と一致しません。
YOUR_RECORDINGS_MIGHT Your recordings might be stored in your Cloud Files. 録音がクラウドファイルに保存される場合があります。
YOUR_SESSION Your Session ID is: あなたのセッションID:
YOUTUBE_OR YouTube or direct video file URL YouTubeまたはダイレクトビデオファイルのURL
ZOOM Zoom 拡大
OPENAI_KEY_REQUIRED OpenAI API key is required in your group settings in order to use the AI Character Builder.
ADVANCED_SETTINGS Advanced settings 高度な設定
AI_GENERATE_IMAGE Generate image
AI_GENERATE_IMAGE_DESC Allows the character to use Dall-E to generate an image.
AI_GENERATE_IMAGE_PARAMETER_INFO This is the instruction that is given to the AI Character for how it will instruct Dall-E to create the image based on the user's verbal command. If you wish to refine the instructions  to ensure that the image is created in a particular style then you can define that by altering the command below. E.g. "The details of the image to create. Always state that this should be "in the style of Vincent Van Gogh”.
AI_ANALYZE_VIEW_PARAM_INFO This request takes a snapshot of the user's view. This instruction tells the AI Character how to instruct ChatGPT on how to respond to that image. If you wish to force certain context for this use-case you can define that by altering the command below. E.g. "The question or prompt from the user about what they are looking at, adding as much context as may be needed in the prompt to ensure a successful result. Ignore any human figures present in the image”.
AI_ANALYZE_VIEW Analyze view
AI_ANALYZE_VIEW_DESC Allows the character to see and comment on what the user is looking at.
AI_GENERATE_MESH Generate mesh
AI_GENERATE_MESH_DESC Allows the character to generate a new 3d model using
AI_GENERATE_MESH_PARAM_INFO This is the instruction that is given to the AI Character for how it will generate new meshes. You may want to narrow the types of meshes or give specific instructions on mesh theme.
AI_GENERATE_SKYBOX_DESC Allows the character to use Blockade Labs to generate a 360 image.
AI_GENERATE_SKYBOX_PARAM_INFO This is the instruction that is given to the AI Character for how it will instruct Blockade Labs to create the skybox. If you wish to refine the instructions  to ensure that the skybox is created in a particular style then you can define that by altering the command below. E.g. "The details of the skybox or 360 image to create. Always state that this should be "in a fantasy style”.
Key English Japanese Actions
APP_ID_ERROR_MESSAGE The App ID field is required. アプリIDを入力してください。
APPLY_1 Apply 適用
APPLY_NEW_SKIN_TONE Apply new skin tone for this My Face image このマイフェイスに新しい肌の色を適用
APPLY_PROFILE_PHOTO Capture a picture アバター写真を撮る
A_RECORDING_1 A recording is currently controlling media 記録が現在メディアを制御しています
ARE_YOU Are you sitting? 着席していますか?
ARE_YOU_SURE Are you sure you want to leave the session? 本当にセッションから退出しますか?
ARE_YOU_SURE_1 Are you sure? よろしいですか?
ARE_YOU_SURE_2 Are you sure you want to end this session? 本当にセッションを終了しますか?
ARE_YOU_SURE_3 Are you sure you want to leave this session? 本当にセッションから退出しますか?
ARE_YOU_SURE_LEAVE Are you sure you want to leave? 本当に退席しますか?
ar_XA Arabic アラビア語
ASKME Ask me
AS_ONLY_HOST_SESSION_WILL_END_IF_LEAVE As the only host in this session, the session will end if you leave. このセッションには他のホストが居ないため、あなたが退席するとセッションは終了します。
ASSET_BUNDLE asset bundle name アセットバンドル名
ASSISTANT_ID_INFO Assistant ID is automatically created for you. If you have a pre-made OpenAI Assistant ID and would like to use it, you can enter it here.
ASSISTANT_ID_REPLACE_INFO AI characters in ENGAGE work using OpenAI Assistants API. This Assistant is automatically created for your character when it is first saved, and this information is handled automatically in the AI Character Builder.

If you have a pre-made assistant that is compatible with ENGAGE and would like to use it, you can enter the Assistant ID here. Keep in mind changes will be made to the assistant to ensure compatibility.
ATTENTION Attention 注意
AUDIO_RANGE Audio Range 音声範囲
AUDIO_REPLACED Audio replaced 音声置換
AUDIO_RESET_EXPLANATION Resetting your microphone service might help if you're having issues hearing other users or if they're having issues hearing you. マイクサービスをリセットすると、他のユーザーの声が聞き取りにくい場合や、他のユーザーがあなたの声を聞き取りにくい場合に有効な場合があります。
AVATAR_BODY_TYPE Avatar body type アバターのボディタイプ
AVATAR_DISABLED Avatar disabled アバター無効
AVATAR_ENABLED Avatar enabled アバター有効
AVATAR_HEIGHT_TOOLTIP The height of your avatar should match your real life height for best performance of the avatar in sessions in VR. VRでのセッションでアバターが最高のパフォーマンスを発揮するには、アバターの身長が現実の身長と一致している必要があります。
AVATAR_MYFACE_DISABLED This cannot be edited when My Face is applied. マイフェイス適用時には編集できません。
AVATAR_MYFACE_DISABLED_BEARDS Facial hair can't be edited when My Face is applied. マイフェイス適用時には髪形を編集できません。


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