
Key English Chinese (Simplified) Actions
MOBILE_VERIFY Verify mobile number 验证手机号码
MODE_SELECT Mode select 模式选择
MODIFIED Modified 已修改
MOUTH Mouth 嘴巴
MOVE Move 移动
MOVE_FILE_ERROR_BODY Your file wasn't moved due to a network error. Check your connection and try again. 由于网络错误,您的文件未被移动。请检查您的连接,然后重试。
MOVE_FILE_ERROR_TITLE Your file could not be moved 无法移动您的文件
MOVE_FILE_TO_FOLDER Move your file to "{0}" 将文件移动到“{0}”
MOVE_THE_FILE Move the file 移动文件
MOVEMENT Movement 移动
MR_CONTROLS MR Controls 混合现实控制
MR_MODE Mixed Reality (MR) Mode 混合现实(MR)模式
MR_MODE_JOIN_DESC In this location, you can use your passthrough camera to experience your real-world environment mixed with 3D objects.  Alternatively, you can use VR mode to join someone else in a digital twin of their real-world environment. 在这个位置,您可以使用直通相机来体验与3D对象混合的真实世界环境。或者,您可以使用虚拟现实模式以虚拟世界分身加入到其他人的真实世界的环境中。
MR_WITH_OTHERS Mixed Reality with others 与他人混合现实
MR_WITH_OTHERS_1 Mixed Reality with others 与他人混合现实
MR_WITH_OTHERS_DESC_1 Two or more users can be collocated in the same physical space and join the same mixed reality session. 两个或更多个用户可以共处在同一个物理空间中,并且加入同一个混合现实会话。
MR_WITH_OTHERS_DESC_2 To ensure that all users have the same experience of objects and other avatars, all users should place their location anchors at the exact same point in the real world and ensure that they have the same orientation. 为了确保所有用户对物体和其他化身有相同的体验,所有用户都应该将他们的位置锚放置在真实世界中完全相同的点上,并确保他们具有相同的方向。
MR_WITH_OTHERS_DESC_3 We suggest that you physically mark a point and direction on a desk or the floor to help all in-person participants place their location anchors identically. 我们建议您在桌子或地板上实际标记一个点和方向,以帮助所有现场参与者一致地放置他们的定位锚。
MR_WITH_OTHERS_DESC_4 To reposition your location anchor, select 'Edit Location Anchor' in the Mixed Reality menu. Use the trigger button to grab the location anchor, place it at the designated point in the required orientation, release the trigger button, and then press 'Confirm'. 要重新定位您的定位点,请选择在 中编辑定位标记混合现实菜单。使用触发按钮抓取位置锚,将其放置在所需方向的指定点,释放触发按钮,然后按确认。
MU_BASICUSER Basic avatar 基本虚拟化身
MU_FULLBODYAVATAR Full-body avatar 虚拟化身全貌
MUSIC Music 音乐
MUSIC_OFF Music Off 关闭音乐
MUSIC_ON Music On 开启音乐
MUTE Mute 静音
MUTE_ALL Mute All 全部静音
MUTE_ALL_DESCRIPTION This will turn off the microphone for all non-host users. 这将关闭所有非主持人用户的麦克风。
MUTE_ALL_USERS Mute all users 将所有用户静音
MUTE_HOST Mute Host 将主持人静音
MUTE_HOST_DESCRIPTION Are you sure you want to mute this host? 您确定要将主持人静音吗?
Key English Chinese (Simplified) Actions
MODE_SELECT Mode select 模式选择
MODIFIED Modified 已修改
MOUTH Mouth 嘴巴
MOVE Move 移动
MOVE_FILE_ERROR_BODY Your file wasn't moved due to a network error. Check your connection and try again. 由于网络错误,您的文件未被移动。请检查您的连接,然后重试。
MOVE_FILE_ERROR_TITLE Your file could not be moved 无法移动您的文件
MOVE_FILE_TO_FOLDER Move your file to "{0}" 将文件移动到“{0}”
MOVEMENT Movement 移动
MOVE_THE_FILE Move the file 移动文件
MR_CONTROLS MR Controls 混合现实控制
mr_IN Marathi (India) 马拉地语(印度)
MR_MODE Mixed Reality (MR) Mode 混合现实(MR)模式
MR_MODE_JOIN_DESC In this location, you can use your passthrough camera to experience your real-world environment mixed with 3D objects.  Alternatively, you can use VR mode to join someone else in a digital twin of their real-world environment. 在这个位置,您可以使用直通相机来体验与3D对象混合的真实世界环境。或者,您可以使用虚拟现实模式以虚拟世界分身加入到其他人的真实世界的环境中。
MR_WITH_OTHERS Mixed Reality with others 与他人混合现实
MR_WITH_OTHERS_1 Mixed Reality with others 与他人混合现实
MR_WITH_OTHERS_DESC_1 Two or more users can be collocated in the same physical space and join the same mixed reality session. 两个或更多个用户可以共处在同一个物理空间中,并且加入同一个混合现实会话。
MR_WITH_OTHERS_DESC_2 To ensure that all users have the same experience of objects and other avatars, all users should place their location anchors at the exact same point in the real world and ensure that they have the same orientation. 为了确保所有用户对物体和其他化身有相同的体验,所有用户都应该将他们的位置锚放置在真实世界中完全相同的点上,并确保他们具有相同的方向。
MR_WITH_OTHERS_DESC_3 We suggest that you physically mark a point and direction on a desk or the floor to help all in-person participants place their location anchors identically. 我们建议您在桌子或地板上实际标记一个点和方向,以帮助所有现场参与者一致地放置他们的定位锚。
MR_WITH_OTHERS_DESC_4 To reposition your location anchor, select 'Edit Location Anchor' in the Mixed Reality menu. Use the trigger button to grab the location anchor, place it at the designated point in the required orientation, release the trigger button, and then press 'Confirm'. 要重新定位您的定位点,请选择在 中编辑定位标记混合现实菜单。使用触发按钮抓取位置锚,将其放置在所需方向的指定点,释放触发按钮,然后按确认。
ms_MY Malay (Malaysia) 马来语(马来西亚)
MU_BASICUSER Basic avatar 基本虚拟化身
MU_FULLBODYAVATAR Full-body avatar 虚拟化身全貌
MUSIC Music 音乐
MUSIC_OFF Music Off 关闭音乐
MUSIC_ON Music On 开启音乐
MUTE Mute 静音
MUTE_ALL Mute All 全部静音
MUTE_ALL_DESCRIPTION This will turn off the microphone for all non-host users. 这将关闭所有非主持人用户的麦克风。
MUTE_ALL_USERS Mute all users 将所有用户静音
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated TestProject/Unity
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated TestProject/Unity


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TestProject / UnityChinese (Simplified)

10 months ago
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English Chinese (Simplified)
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String age
10 months ago
Source string age
10 months ago
Translation file
translation-unity_zh-CN.xlf, string 1081