
Key English Chinese (Simplified) Actions
SEND_BUG_REPORT Send Bug Report 发送漏洞报告
SEND_FOR_ALL_USERS Send for ALL Users 发送给所有用户
SEND_REPORT Send report 发送报告
SEND_REPORTS Select up to five users 最多选择 5 位用户
SEND_SCREENSHOT Send Screenshot to Others? 发送截图给其他人?
SERVER_NAME Session Name 会话名称
SESSION_CAN_CONTINUE There are other hosts in this session, so the session can continue if you leave. 此会话中有其他主持人,因此如果您离开,会话会继续进行。
SESSION_FULL Session full 会话已满
SESSION_HAS_REACHED Session has reached the maximum number of users. It is not possible to join at this time. 会话数已达到最大用户数。目前无法加入。
SESSION_ID Session ID Not Found! 未找到会话 ID!
SESSION_ID_1 Session ID 会议ID
SESSION_ID_COPIED Session ID copied 已复制会话ID
SESSION_INVITE_COPIED Session invite copied 已复制会话邀请
SESSION_IS_LOCKED '{0}' is locked. You cannot progress to this session. “{0}”已被锁定。您不能继续此会话。
SESSION_LOCKED_NOTIFICATION {0} (host) has locked this session. Nobody can enter until a host unlocks it. {0}(主机)已锁定此会议。在主机解锁之前,任何人都不能进入。
SESSION_MANAGEMENT Host Controls 主持人控制
SESSION_NAME Session Name 会话名称
SESSION_NOT_EXIST The session you tried to join no longer exists 您尝试加入的会话已不存在
SESSION_NOT_READY Session not ready to join. Please try again. 会话尚未准备好加入。请再试一遍。
SESSION_PASSWORD Session password 房间密码
SESSION_PASSWORD_COPIED Session password copied 已复制会话密码
SESSION_PORTAL Session Portal 会话门户
SESSION_PORTAL_DESC Enter the ID for the session you would like to link to this portal. 输入要链接到此门户的会议ID。
SESSION_PORTAL_ERROR_EVENT It is not possible to create a portal to an event 无法创建事件的门户
SESSION_PORTAL_ERROR_SAME You cannot create a portal into the same session 您不能在同一会话中创建门户
SESSION_PORTAL_ERROR_SAME_1 To portal to same session, include an existing spawn point 要进入同一会话,包括一个现有的刷新点
SESSION_PORTAL_INFO Enter the ID of another session to create a portal. If you create a portal to a password protected session, users will need the password to navigate the portal. 输入另一个会话的ID以创建门户。如果为受密码保护的会话创建门户,则用户将需要该密码来导航门户。
SESSION_SETTINGS Session Settings 会话设置
SESSION_SETTINGS_HELP As a host you can toggle settings on and off for users within the session. These settings will apply to regular users, but hosts can override them. Actions and Settings will also apply to new joining users. 作为主持人,您可以在会话中为用户打开和关闭设置。这些设置将应用于常规用户,但主持人可以覆盖它们。操作和设置也将应用于新的加入用户。
Key English Chinese (Simplified) Actions
SEND_BUG_REPORT Send Bug Report 发送漏洞报告
SEND_FOR_ALL_USERS Send for ALL Users 发送给所有用户
SEND_REPORT Send report 发送报告
SEND_REPORTS Select up to five users 最多选择 5 位用户
SEND_SCREENSHOT Send Screenshot to Others? 发送截图给其他人?
SERVER_NAME Session Name 会话名称
SESSION_CAN_CONTINUE There are other hosts in this session, so the session can continue if you leave. 此会话中有其他主持人,因此如果您离开,会话会继续进行。
SESSION_FULL Session full 会话已满
SESSION_HAS_REACHED Session has reached the maximum number of users. It is not possible to join at this time. 会话数已达到最大用户数。目前无法加入。
SESSION_ID Session ID Not Found! 未找到会话 ID!
SESSION_ID_1 Session ID 会议ID
SESSION_ID_COPIED Session ID copied 已复制会话ID
SESSION_INVITE_COPIED Session invite copied 已复制会话邀请
SESSION_IS_LOCKED '{0}' is locked. You cannot progress to this session. “{0}”已被锁定。您不能继续此会话。
SESSION_LOCKED_NOTIFICATION {0} (host) has locked this session. Nobody can enter until a host unlocks it. {0}(主机)已锁定此会议。在主机解锁之前,任何人都不能进入。
SESSION_MANAGEMENT Host Controls 主持人控制
SESSION_NAME Session Name 会话名称
SESSION_NOT_EXIST The session you tried to join no longer exists 您尝试加入的会话已不存在
SESSION_NOT_READY Session not ready to join. Please try again. 会话尚未准备好加入。请再试一遍。
SESSION_PASSWORD Session password 房间密码
SESSION_PASSWORD_COPIED Session password copied 已复制会话密码
SESSION_PORTAL Session Portal 会话门户
SESSION_PORTAL_DESC Enter the ID for the session you would like to link to this portal. 输入要链接到此门户的会议ID。
SESSION_PORTAL_ERROR_EVENT It is not possible to create a portal to an event 无法创建事件的门户
SESSION_PORTAL_ERROR_SAME You cannot create a portal into the same session 您不能在同一会话中创建门户
SESSION_PORTAL_ERROR_SAME_1 To portal to same session, include an existing spawn point 要进入同一会话,包括一个现有的刷新点
SESSION_PORTAL_INFO Enter the ID of another session to create a portal. If you create a portal to a password protected session, users will need the password to navigate the portal. 输入另一个会话的ID以创建门户。如果为受密码保护的会话创建门户,则用户将需要该密码来导航门户。
SESSION_RESTRICTED_ENTERPRISE_ONLY This session has been restricted to users with Enterprise licenses


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TestProject / UnityChinese (Simplified)

10 months ago
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English Chinese (Simplified)
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10 months ago
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10 months ago
Translation file
translation-unity_zh-CN.xlf, string 1593