
Key English Chinese (Simplified) Actions
UNLOAD Unload 卸载
UNLOCK Unlock 解锁
UNLOCK_ALL Unlock All 全部解锁
UNLOCK_ALL_ITEMS Unlock all items 解锁所有项目
UNLOCK_ALL_LOCATIONS Unlock all locations 解锁所有位置
UNLOCK_WARNING_1 Mixed Reality needs to lock your Location Anchor to the ENGAGE Session. This allows us to keep virtual objects and Avatars aligned relative to your real-world location. If you unlock the Location Anchor you may break the MR experience. 混合现实需要将您的位置锚锁定到ENGAGE会话中。这使我们能够保持虚拟物体和化身对齐您在现实世界中位置。如果您解锁了位置锚可能会破坏混合现实中的体验。
UNLOCK_WARNING_2 You can always re-lock to your location anchor and that should fix any issues. 您可以随时重新锁定您的位置锚,这应该可以解决任何问题。
UNLOCK_WARNING_3 If you are having problems with virtual items or other things being misaligned then we recommend that you rerun Room Setup and Replace your location anchor. 如果您有虚拟物品或其他东西错位的问题,那么我们建议您重新运行房间设置并替换您的位置锚。
UNPACK_SNAPSHOT Ungroup Snapshot 取消快照分组
UNSAVED (unsaved) (未保存)
UNSELECT_ALL Unselect All 取消全选
UNSET_FAVORITE_ERROR_BODY Your file wasn't removed from favorites due to a network error. Check your connection and try again. 由于网络错误,您的文件没有从收藏夹中删除。请检查您的连接,然后重试。
UNSET_FAVORITE_ERROR_TITLE Your file could not be removed from favorites 无法从收藏夹中删除您的文件
UNSHARE_FILE_ERROR_BODY Your file wasn't unshared due to a network error. Check your connection and try again. 由于网络错误,您的文件没有取消共享。请检查您的连接,然后重试。
UNSHARE_FILE_ERROR_TITLE Your file could not be unshared 您的文件无法取消共享
UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE Your device model is unsupported. This may result in undesirable performance issues. 不支持您的设备型号。这可能会导致不良的性能问题。
UPDATE Update 更新
UPDATE_PROFILE_PHOTO Update your profile photo 更新您的个人资料照片
UPDATE_PROFILE_PHOTO_INSTRUCTIONS Use the options below to create a new profile picture. You can also upload an image at 使用下面的选项创建新的个人资料图片。您也可以在app.engagevr.io上传图片。
UPDATED Updated 已更新
UPDATING Updating 正在更新
UPDATING_AVATARS Updating Avatars 正在更新头像
UPDATING_LOCATION Updating Location 正在更新位置
UPGRADE_PLUS_SCREENSHARE Upgrade to PLUS for unlimited screen sharing 升级到PLUS,不限时共享屏幕
UPGRADE_PLUS_SCREENSHARE_DESC This session was started by a LITE user, so the shared screen can only be used for {0} minutes. This limit has already been reached. 此会话由LITE用户启动,因此共享屏幕只能使用{0}分钟。已经达到上限。
UPGRADE_PLUS_SCREENSHARE_PRE_DESC This session was started by a LITE user, so the shared screen can only be used for {0} minutes. 此会话由LITE用户启动,因此共享屏幕只有{0}分钟。
UPGRADE_TO_PLUS_TO_USE_FEATURE Upgrade to a PLUS account to use this feature. 升级到PLUS帐户来使用此功能。
UPLOAD Upload 上传
UPLOAD_A Upload a photo and generate a 3D model of your head for your avatar! 上传照片,为您的头像生成一个 3D 头部模型!
UPLOAD_AN Upload an image using the options below. Faces with mouth closed give the best results. 使用下面的选项上传图片。闭着嘴的面孔效果最好。
Key English Chinese (Simplified) Actions
UNLOAD Unload 卸载
UNLOCK Unlock 解锁
UNLOCK_ALL Unlock All 全部解锁
UNLOCK_ALL_ITEMS Unlock all items 解锁所有项目
UNLOCK_ALL_LOCATIONS Unlock all locations 解锁所有位置
UNLOCK_WARNING_1 Mixed Reality needs to lock your Location Anchor to the ENGAGE Session. This allows us to keep virtual objects and Avatars aligned relative to your real-world location. If you unlock the Location Anchor you may break the MR experience. 混合现实需要将您的位置锚锁定到ENGAGE会话中。这使我们能够保持虚拟物体和化身对齐您在现实世界中位置。如果您解锁了位置锚可能会破坏混合现实中的体验。
UNLOCK_WARNING_2 You can always re-lock to your location anchor and that should fix any issues. 您可以随时重新锁定您的位置锚,这应该可以解决任何问题。
UNLOCK_WARNING_3 If you are having problems with virtual items or other things being misaligned then we recommend that you rerun Room Setup and Replace your location anchor. 如果您有虚拟物品或其他东西错位的问题,那么我们建议您重新运行房间设置并替换您的位置锚。
UNPACK_SNAPSHOT Ungroup Snapshot 取消快照分组
UNSAVED (unsaved) (未保存)
UNSELECT_ALL Unselect All 取消全选
UNSET_FAVORITE_ERROR_BODY Your file wasn't removed from favorites due to a network error. Check your connection and try again. 由于网络错误,您的文件没有从收藏夹中删除。请检查您的连接,然后重试。
UNSET_FAVORITE_ERROR_TITLE Your file could not be removed from favorites 无法从收藏夹中删除您的文件
UNSHARE_FILE_ERROR_BODY Your file wasn't unshared due to a network error. Check your connection and try again. 由于网络错误,您的文件没有取消共享。请检查您的连接,然后重试。
UNSHARE_FILE_ERROR_TITLE Your file could not be unshared 您的文件无法取消共享
UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE Your device model is unsupported. This may result in undesirable performance issues. 不支持您的设备型号。这可能会导致不良的性能问题。
UPDATE Update 更新
UPDATED Updated 已更新
UPDATE_PROFILE_PHOTO Update your profile photo 更新您的个人资料照片
UPDATE_PROFILE_PHOTO_INSTRUCTIONS Use the options below to create a new profile picture. You can also upload an image at 使用下面的选项创建新的个人资料图片。您也可以在app.engagevr.io上传图片。
UPDATING Updating 正在更新
UPDATING_AVATARS Updating Avatars 正在更新头像
UPDATING_LOCATION Updating Location 正在更新位置
UPGRADE_PLUS_SCREENSHARE Upgrade to PLUS for unlimited screen sharing 升级到PLUS,不限时共享屏幕
UPGRADE_PLUS_SCREENSHARE_DESC This session was started by a LITE user, so the shared screen can only be used for {0} minutes. This limit has already been reached. 此会话由LITE用户启动,因此共享屏幕只能使用{0}分钟。已经达到上限。
UPGRADE_PLUS_SCREENSHARE_PRE_DESC This session was started by a LITE user, so the shared screen can only be used for {0} minutes. 此会话由LITE用户启动,因此共享屏幕只有{0}分钟。
UPGRADE_TO_PLUS_TO_USE_FEATURE Upgrade to a PLUS account to use this feature. 升级到PLUS帐户来使用此功能。
UPLOAD Upload 上传
UPLOAD_A Upload a photo and generate a 3D model of your head for your avatar! 上传照片,为您的头像生成一个 3D 头部模型!


User avatar None

String updated in the repository

TestProject / UnityChinese (Simplified)

10 months ago
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English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
10 months ago
Source string age
10 months ago
Translation file
translation-unity_zh-CN.xlf, string 1982