
Key English Chinese (Simplified) Actions
CREATE_LINK_ERROR_BODY Your link wasn't created due to a network error. Check your connection and try again. 由于网络错误,您的链接未能创建。请检查您的连接,然后重试。
CREATE_LINK_ERROR_TITLE Your link could not be created 无法创建您的链接
CREATE_MY Create My Own 创建我的
CREATE_MY_FACE Create new face 创建新面孔
CREATE_NEW Create New 新建
CREATE_NEW_EFFECT Create New Effect 创建新效果
CREATE_PASSWORD Create Password 创建密码
CREATE_PORTAL_PORTAL Create portal 创建门户
CREATE_RECORDING Create a recording 创建一个录制
CREATE_SESSION_PORTAL Create Session Portal 创建会话门户
CREATE_SPAWN_POINT Create spawn point 创建刷新点
CREATED Created 已创建
CREATOR_ONLINE Creator Online 在线创建者
CREATOR_TOOLS Creator Tools 创建者工具
CURRENT_EFFECT_OPTIONS Current Effect Options 当前效果选项
CURRENT_PASSWORD Current Password 当前密码
CURRENT_PASSWORD_1 Current password is incorrect 当前密码不正确
CURRENT_PASSWORD_WRONG Current password provided is wrong. Please try again. 当前提供的密码有误。请重试。
CURRENT_PHOTO Current photo 当前照片
CURRENT_SEQUENCE Current Sequence 当前序列
CURRENT_USER Current User Height: 当前用户身高:
CURRENTLY_DELIVERING Currently delivering a form to NEW JOINS: 正在向新加入者递送表格:
CURVE Curve 曲线
CUSTOM_NAME Custom Name 自定义名称
CUSTOMIZE Customize 自定义
DATE Date 日期
DATE_OF Date of Birth 出生日期
DECAL Decal 贴花
DEEPLINKING_BUSY_EVENT You have launched a deep link to join an event. You will be redirected to that event once you return to home menu. 您已启动深层链接来参加活动。一旦您返回主菜单,您将被重定向到该活动。
DEEPLINKING_BUSY_SESSION You have launched a deep link to join a session. You will be redirected to that session once you return to home menu. 您已启动深层链接以加入会话。一旦您返回主菜单,您将被重定向到该会话。
Key English Chinese (Simplified) Actions
CREATE_LINK_ERROR_TITLE Your link could not be created 无法创建您的链接
CREATE_MY Create My Own 创建我的
CREATE_MY_FACE Create new face 创建新面孔
CREATE_NEW Create New 新建
CREATE_NEW_EFFECT Create New Effect 创建新效果
CREATE_PASSWORD Create Password 创建密码
CREATE_PORTAL_PORTAL Create portal 创建门户
CREATE_RECORDING Create a recording 创建一个录制
CREATE_SESSION_PORTAL Create Session Portal 创建会话门户
CREATE_SPAWN_POINT Create spawn point 创建刷新点
CREATOR_ONLINE Creator Online 在线创建者
CREATOR_TOOLS Creator Tools 创建者工具
cs_CZ Czech (Czech Republic) 捷克语(捷克共和国)
CURRENT_ANIMATION Current animation
CURRENT_AVATAR Current avatar
CURRENT_EFFECT_OPTIONS Current Effect Options 当前效果选项
CURRENT_FACE Current face
CURRENTLY_DELIVERING Currently delivering a form to NEW JOINS: 正在向新加入者递送表格:
CURRENT_PASSWORD Current Password 当前密码
CURRENT_PASSWORD_1 Current password is incorrect 当前密码不正确
CURRENT_PASSWORD_WRONG Current password provided is wrong. Please try again. 当前提供的密码有误。请重试。
CURRENT_PHOTO Current photo 当前照片
CURRENT_SEQUENCE Current Sequence 当前序列
CURRENT_USER Current User Height: 当前用户身高:
CURVE Curve 曲线
CUSTOMIZE Customize 自定义
CUSTOM_NAME Custom Name 自定义名称
da_DK Danish (Denmark) 丹麦语(丹麦)
DATE Date 日期
DATE_OF Date of Birth 出生日期


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String updated in the repository

TestProject / UnityChinese (Simplified)

10 months ago
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English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
10 months ago
Source string age
10 months ago
Translation file
translation-unity_zh-CN.xlf, string 363