
Key English Chinese (Simplified) Actions
ONLY_PEOPLE Only users you give your Session ID to can join. 只有向其提供了“会话 ID”的用户才能加入。
ONLY_THE_HOST Only the host can load new locations. 只有主机可以加载新位置。
OPACITY Opacity 不透明度
OPEN Open 打开
OPERATING_SYSTEM Operating System 操作系统
OPERATION_ERROR_BODY There was an error performing the operation. 执行操作时出错。
OPERATION_ERROR_TITLE Operation Error 操作错误
OPTIONS Options 选项
OR Or 或者
OR_YOU_CAN Or you can create a new recording. 或者你可以创建一个新的录音。
OR_YOU_CAN_CONTENT Or you can use the Content Editor to create your own content. 或者您可以使用内容编辑器创建自己的内容。
OR_YOU_CAN_SNAPSHOT Or you can create a new snapshot to load it from here. 或者您可以创建一个新的快照来从这里加载它。
ORIGINAL_OUTFITS Original Outfits Only (No Overrides) 仅限原始装备(非覆盖装备)
OTHER_LINKS Other links 其他链接
OTHER_USER Other User 其他用户
OUR_POLICIES Our policies have been updated, you must agree to them before continuing to ENGAGE. Thank you! 我们的政策已更新,您必须同意这些政策,才能继续使用 ENGAGE。
OUR_POLICIES_1 Our Policies Have Been Updated 我们的政策已更新
OUT_OF Out of Generations 不再生成
OUTFIT Outfit 装备
OUTFIT_STYLE Outfit Style 装备风格
OVERLAY_ON_OFF Overlay On/Off 覆盖图 打开/关闭
OVERWRITE Overwrite 覆盖
OVERWRITE_FILE Overwrite file 覆盖文件
PAGE_X_OF_Y Page {0} of {1} 第 {0} 页,共 {1} 页
Pants Item 裤子
PARTIAL_RECORDING Partial Recording 部分记录
PASSWORD Password 密码
PASSWORD_DOES Password does not match 密码不符
PASSWORD_MAXIMUM 128 characters maximum 最多128个字符
PASSWORD_MUST Must contain at least 8 characters. 必须至少包含 8 个字符。
Key English Chinese (Simplified) Actions
ONLY_THE_HOST Only the host can load new locations. 只有主机可以加载新位置。
OPACITY Opacity 不透明度
OPEN Open 打开
OPENAI_KEY_REQUIRED OpenAI API key is required in your group settings in order to use the AI Character Builder.
OPERATING_SYSTEM Operating System 操作系统
OPERATION_ERROR_BODY There was an error performing the operation. 执行操作时出错。
OPERATION_ERROR_TITLE Operation Error 操作错误
OPTIONS Options 选项
OR Or 或者
ORIGINAL_OUTFITS Original Outfits Only (No Overrides) 仅限原始装备(非覆盖装备)
OR_YOU_CAN Or you can create a new recording. 或者你可以创建一个新的录音。
OR_YOU_CAN_CONTENT Or you can use the Content Editor to create your own content. 或者您可以使用内容编辑器创建自己的内容。
OR_YOU_CAN_SNAPSHOT Or you can create a new snapshot to load it from here. 或者您可以创建一个新的快照来从这里加载它。
OTHER_LINKS Other links 其他链接
OTHER_USER Other User 其他用户
OUR_POLICIES Our policies have been updated, you must agree to them before continuing to ENGAGE. Thank you! 我们的政策已更新,您必须同意这些政策,才能继续使用 ENGAGE。
OUR_POLICIES_1 Our Policies Have Been Updated 我们的政策已更新
OUTFIT Outfit 装备
OUTFIT_STYLE Outfit Style 装备风格
OUT_OF Out of Generations 不再生成
OVERLAY_ON_OFF Overlay On/Off 覆盖图 打开/关闭
OVERWRITE Overwrite 覆盖
OVERWRITE_FILE Overwrite file 覆盖文件
OWNED_BY Owned by
PAGE_X_OF_Y Page {0} of {1} 第 {0} 页,共 {1} 页
pa_IN Punjabi (India) 旁遮普语(印度)
Pants Item 裤子
PARTIAL_RECORDING Partial Recording 部分记录
PASSWORD Password 密码


User avatar None

String updated in the repository

TestProject / UnityChinese (Simplified)

10 months ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Mismatching line breaks

Number of new lines in translation does not match source


Double space

Translation contains double space

Fix string



English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
10 months ago
Source string age
10 months ago
Translation file
translation-unity_zh-CN.xlf, string 1209