
Key English Chinese (Traditional) Actions
DEVICE_CHECKLIST_MESSAGE_1 This computer doesn't meet the minimum specification to run ENGAGE. 這台計算機不符合運行ENGAGE的最低規格。
DEVICE_NAME Device Name 設備名稱
DEVICE_POPUP_MESSAGE_1 We recommend updating macOS to the latest version to improve the performance of ENGAGE 我們建議將macOS更新到最新版本,以提高ENGAGE的性能
DEVICE_POPUP_MESSAGE_2 For more information visit 更多信息,請訪問
DEVICE_POPUP_TITLE ENGAGE may not work as expected ENGAGE可能無法按預期工作
DEVICE_STORAGE Device Storage 設備存儲
DIGITAL_TWIN Digital twin 虚拟世界分身
DIGITAL_TWINS Digital twins 虚拟世界分身
DIGITAL_TWINS_DESC_1 A digital twin is a virtual reality replica of your physical space. We use the room space that you set up to create a basic digital twin of your room. 虛擬世界分身是您在物理空間的虛擬現實的複制。我們使用您設置的房間空間來創建您房間的基本虛擬世界分身。
DIGITAL_TWINS_DESC_2 If someone joins you while in VR mode, they see the digital twin. It gives them a basic sense of the layout of your space and helps them to feel as though they are visiting you. 如果有人在虛擬現實模式下加入你,他們會看到虛擬世界分身。這讓他們對您的空間布局有了一個基本的了解,讓他們感覺就像在拜訪您一樣。
DISABLE Disable 禁用
DISABLE_ADVANCED Disable Advanced Tracking 停用進階追蹤
DISCARD Discard Changes 放棄更改
DISCARD_1 Discard 放棄
DISPLAY_NAME Display Name (for avatar) 顯示名稱(用於虛擬人偶)
DISPLAY_NAME_1 Display name must have at least 2 characters 顯示名稱必須包含至少 2 個字元
DISPLAY_NAME_2 Display Name 顯示名稱
DISPLAY_NAME_ERROR Display name format is invalid. 顯示名稱格式無效。
DISPLAY_NAMES Display Names 顯示名稱
DISTANCE_MEASURED • This distance is measured from where the speaker is standing • 該距離從說話者站立的地方開始測量
DO_YOU Do you want others to join you? 你希望其他人加入嗎?
DOCUMENTS Documents 文件
DONT_SHOW_AGAIN Don't show this message again 不再顯示此消息
DONT_SHOW_AGAIN_1 Don't show me this again 不要再顯示這個
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Key English Chinese (Traditional) Actions
DEVICE_CHECKLIST_MESSAGE_1 This computer doesn't meet the minimum specification to run ENGAGE. 這台計算機不符合運行ENGAGE的最低規格。
DEVICE_NAME Device Name 設備名稱
DEVICE_POPUP_MESSAGE_1 We recommend updating macOS to the latest version to improve the performance of ENGAGE 我們建議將macOS更新到最新版本,以提高ENGAGE的性能
DEVICE_POPUP_MESSAGE_2 For more information visit 更多信息,請訪問
DEVICE_POPUP_TITLE ENGAGE may not work as expected ENGAGE可能無法按預期工作
DEVICE_STORAGE Device Storage 設備存儲
DIGITAL_TWIN Digital twin 虚拟世界分身
DIGITAL_TWINS Digital twins 虚拟世界分身
DIGITAL_TWINS_DESC_1 A digital twin is a virtual reality replica of your physical space. We use the room space that you set up to create a basic digital twin of your room. 虛擬世界分身是您在物理空間的虛擬現實的複制。我們使用您設置的房間空間來創建您房間的基本虛擬世界分身。
DIGITAL_TWINS_DESC_2 If someone joins you while in VR mode, they see the digital twin. It gives them a basic sense of the layout of your space and helps them to feel as though they are visiting you. 如果有人在虛擬現實模式下加入你,他們會看到虛擬世界分身。這讓他們對您的空間布局有了一個基本的了解,讓他們感覺就像在拜訪您一樣。
DISABLE Disable 禁用
DISABLE_ADVANCED Disable Advanced Tracking 停用進階追蹤
DISCARD Discard Changes 放棄更改
DISCARD_1 Discard 放棄
DISPLAY_NAME Display Name (for avatar) 顯示名稱(用於虛擬人偶)
DISPLAY_NAME_1 Display name must have at least 2 characters 顯示名稱必須包含至少 2 個字元
DISPLAY_NAME_2 Display Name 顯示名稱
DISPLAY_NAME_ERROR Display name format is invalid. 顯示名稱格式無效。
DISPLAY_NAMES Display Names 顯示名稱
DISTANCE_MEASURED • This distance is measured from where the speaker is standing • 該距離從說話者站立的地方開始測量
DOCUMENTS Documents 文件
DONT_SHOW_AGAIN Don't show this message again 不再顯示此消息
DONT_SHOW_AGAIN_1 Don't show me this again 不要再顯示這個
DOWNLOAD Download 下載
DOWNLOAD_FIRST To go to this location, you need to download it first. 若要轉到此位置,您需要先下載它。
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TestProject / UnityChinese (Traditional)

11 months ago
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English Chinese (Traditional)
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11 months ago
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11 months ago
Translation file
translation-unity_zh-Hant.xlf, string 440