
Key English Chinese (Traditional) Actions
ADD_VIDEO_LINK Add video link 添加視頻鏈接
ADD_WEB_LINK Add web link 添加網頁鏈接
ADMIN Admin 管理員
ADVANCED Advanced 進階
ADVANCED_OPTIONS Advanced Options 進階選項
ADVANCED_PLAYBACK Advanced Playback Options 進階播放選項
ADVANCED_PLAYBACK_1 Advanced playback 高級播放效果
ADVANCED_PORTAL_SETTINGS Advanced settings 高級設置
ADVANCED_SETTINGS Advanced settings 高級設置
ADVANCED_SETTINGS_PLACEHOLDER Enter spawn point here 在這裏輸入刷新點
ADVANCED_TRACKING Advanced Tracking 進階追蹤
ADVANCED_TRACKING_1 Advanced tracking detected! To enable advanced tracking for your avatar, ensure trackers are secured as shown. Face this screen and ensure trackers show the correct placements before clicking Enable. 偵測到進階追蹤!
ADVANCED_TRACKING_2 Advanced Tracking: 進階追蹤:
ADVANCED_TRACKING_3 Advanced Tracking Calibrated 進階追蹤校正
af_ZA Afrikaans (South Africa)
AGE Age 年齡
A_HOST A Host 主機
AI_ANALYZE_VIEW Analyze view
AI_ANALYZE_VIEW_DESC Allows the character to see and comment on what the user is looking at.
AI_ANALYZE_VIEW_PARAM_INFO This request takes a snapshot of the user's view. This instruction tells the AI Character how to instruct ChatGPT on how to respond to that image. If you wish to force certain context for this use-case you can define that by altering the command below. E.g. "The question or prompt from the user about what they are looking at, adding as much context as may be needed in the prompt to ensure a successful result. Ignore any human figures present in the image”.
AI_BUILDER AI Character Builder
AI_BUILDER_DESC Create Embodied AI Characters and Assistants to use in your ENGAGE Sessions.
AI_CREATE_STICKY_NOTE Create sticky note 建立便利貼
AI_CREATE_STICKY_NOTE_DESC Allows the character to create a sticky note with user-specified text.
AI_CREATOR_1 1. Details
AI_CREATOR_2 2. Character prompt
AI_CREATOR_3 3. Select an avatar
AI_DELETE_ALL_CREATED_OBJECTS Delete all created objects
AI_DELETE_ALL_CREATED_OBJECTS_DESC Allows the character to delete all objects it has created.


User avatar None

String updated in the repository

TestProject / UnityChinese (Traditional)

5 months ago
Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
5 months ago
Source string age
5 months ago
Translation file
translation-unity_zh-Hant.xlf, string 2258