
Key English Chinese (Traditional) Actions
UNSHARE_FILE_ERROR_BODY Your file wasn't unshared due to a network error. Check your connection and try again. 由于網絡錯誤,您的文件沒有取消共享。請檢查您的連接,然後重試。
UNSHARE_FILE_ERROR_TITLE Your file could not be unshared 您的文件無法取消共享
UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE Your device model is unsupported. This may result in undesirable performance issues. 不支持您的設備型號。這可能會導致不良的性能問題。
UPDATE Update 更新
UPDATE_PROFILE_PHOTO Update your profile photo 更新您的個人資料照片
UPDATE_PROFILE_PHOTO_INSTRUCTIONS Use the options below to create a new profile picture. You can also upload an image at 使用下面的選項創建新的個人資料圖片。您也可以在app.engagevr.io上傳圖片。
UPDATED Updated 已更新
UPDATING Updating 正在更新
UPDATING_AVATARS Updating Avatars 正在更新虛擬人偶
UPDATING_LOCATION Updating Location 正在更新位置
UPGRADE_PLUS_SCREENSHARE Upgrade to PLUS for unlimited screen sharing 升級到PLUS,不限時共享屏幕
UPGRADE_PLUS_SCREENSHARE_DESC This session was started by a LITE user, so the shared screen can only be used for {0} minutes. This limit has already been reached. 此會話由LITE用戶啓動,因此共享屏幕只能使用{0}分鍾。已經達到上限。
UPGRADE_PLUS_SCREENSHARE_PRE_DESC This session was started by a LITE user, so the shared screen can only be used for {0} minutes. 此會話由LITE用戶啓動,因此共享屏幕只有{0}分鍾。
UPGRADE_TO_PLUS_TO_USE_FEATURE Upgrade to a PLUS account to use this feature. 升級到PLUS帳戶來使用此功能。
UPLOAD Upload 上傳
UPLOAD_A Upload a photo and generate a 3D model of your head for your avatar! 上傳一張照片並為你的虛擬人偶產生一個 3D 頭像模型!
UPLOAD_AN Upload an image using the options below. Faces with mouth closed give the best results. 使用下列的選項上傳影像。
UPLOAD_AN_IMAGE Upload an image using the options on the right. Faces with mouth closed give the best results. 使用右側的選項上載圖像。閉著嘴的面孔效果最好。
UPLOAD_COPY_TO_CLOUD Copy this file to the Cloud 將此文件複制到雲中
UPLOAD_COPY_TO_CLOUD_BODY By copying this file to the Cloud you can access it on any device using this account. 通過將此文件複制到雲中,您可以使用此帳戶在任何設備上訪問它。
UPLOAD_ERROR Upload Error 上傳錯誤
UPLOAD_FACE Click here to upload a photo to generate your face in 3D! 點擊這裏上傳一張照片,生成你的三維面孔!
UPLOAD_IMAGE Upload Image 上傳影像
UPLOAD_NEW_IMAGE Upload new image 上傳新圖片
UPLOADING Uploading 正在上傳
UPLOADING_IMAGE Uploading Image 上傳圖像
URL URL: 網址:
URL_1 URL 網址
URL_FORMAT_ERROR URL is not properly formatted 鏈接格式不正確
USE_ANIMATION Use Animation Overrides 使用動畫複寫
Key English Chinese (Traditional) Actions
UNSHARE_FILE_ERROR_BODY Your file wasn't unshared due to a network error. Check your connection and try again. 由于網絡錯誤,您的文件沒有取消共享。請檢查您的連接,然後重試。
UNSHARE_FILE_ERROR_TITLE Your file could not be unshared 您的文件無法取消共享
UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE Your device model is unsupported. This may result in undesirable performance issues. 不支持您的設備型號。這可能會導致不良的性能問題。
UPDATE Update 更新
UPDATED Updated 已更新
UPDATE_PROFILE_PHOTO Update your profile photo 更新您的個人資料照片
UPDATE_PROFILE_PHOTO_INSTRUCTIONS Use the options below to create a new profile picture. You can also upload an image at 使用下面的選項創建新的個人資料圖片。您也可以在app.engagevr.io上傳圖片。
UPDATING Updating 正在更新
UPDATING_AVATARS Updating Avatars 正在更新虛擬人偶
UPDATING_LOCATION Updating Location 正在更新位置
UPGRADE_PLUS_SCREENSHARE Upgrade to PLUS for unlimited screen sharing 升級到PLUS,不限時共享屏幕
UPGRADE_PLUS_SCREENSHARE_DESC This session was started by a LITE user, so the shared screen can only be used for {0} minutes. This limit has already been reached. 此會話由LITE用戶啓動,因此共享屏幕只能使用{0}分鍾。已經達到上限。
UPGRADE_PLUS_SCREENSHARE_PRE_DESC This session was started by a LITE user, so the shared screen can only be used for {0} minutes. 此會話由LITE用戶啓動,因此共享屏幕只有{0}分鍾。
UPGRADE_TO_PLUS_TO_USE_FEATURE Upgrade to a PLUS account to use this feature. 升級到PLUS帳戶來使用此功能。
UPLOAD Upload 上傳
UPLOAD_A Upload a photo and generate a 3D model of your head for your avatar! 上傳一張照片並為你的虛擬人偶產生一個 3D 頭像模型!
UPLOAD_AN Upload an image using the options below. Faces with mouth closed give the best results. 使用下列的選項上傳影像。
UPLOAD_AN_IMAGE Upload an image using the options on the right. Faces with mouth closed give the best results. 使用右側的選項上載圖像。閉著嘴的面孔效果最好。
UPLOAD_COPY_TO_CLOUD Copy this file to the Cloud 將此文件複制到雲中
UPLOAD_COPY_TO_CLOUD_BODY By copying this file to the Cloud you can access it on any device using this account. 通過將此文件複制到雲中,您可以使用此帳戶在任何設備上訪問它。
UPLOAD_ERROR Upload Error 上傳錯誤
UPLOAD_FACE Click here to upload a photo to generate your face in 3D! 點擊這裏上傳一張照片,生成你的三維面孔!
UPLOAD_IMAGE Upload Image 上傳影像
UPLOADING Uploading 正在上傳
UPLOADING_IMAGE Uploading Image 上傳圖像
UPLOAD_NEW_IMAGE Upload new image 上傳新圖片
URL URL: 網址:
URL_1 URL 網址
URL_FORMAT_ERROR URL is not properly formatted 鏈接格式不正確


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String updated in the repository

TestProject / UnityChinese (Traditional)

10 months ago
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English Chinese (Traditional)
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String information

String age
10 months ago
Source string age
10 months ago
Translation file
translation-unity_zh-Hant.xlf, string 1995