
Key English Chinese (Traditional) Actions
VR_MODE_UNSUPPORTED_DESC Your device doesn't support mixed reality mode. However, you can use VR mode to join someone else in a digital twin of their real-world environment. 您的設備不支持混合現實模式。然而,您可以使用虛擬現實模式加入到其他人的真實世界環境中。
VR_TRACKING_MODE VR Tracking Mode VR 追蹤模式
VSCHINA_ENTER_VIDEO Add a Video URL or search for any video 添加視頻URL或搜索任意視頻
VSCHINA_VIDEO_DESC Direct video file URL or YouKu video link 直接導向影片檔案的網址或優酷影片連結
VSCHINA_YOUTUBE_ERROR YouTube video urls are not available in the China region 中國地區無法使用 YouTube 影片網址
WANT_LIST_PUBLIC Want to list in public? Try 想列入公開列表?嘗試
WANT_MORE Want more faces and generations? Try 想要更多的面孔和代別嗎?嘗試
WANT_MORE_ATTENDEES Want more attendees? Try 想要更多與會者?嘗試
WANT_MORE_CUSTOMIZATION Want more customization? Get 想要更多定制?得到
WANT_MORE_LOGIN_OPTIONS Want more secure log-in options? Try 想要更安全的登錄選項嗎?嘗試
WANT_MORE_OUTFITS Want more outfits? Try 想要更多的裝備嗎?試一試
WANT_PUBLIC Want to list in Public? Try 想要在公開列表中?嘗試
WARNING Warning! 警告!
WARNING_CURRENT Warning: Current user count is well over the maximum recommended users for this content! 警告:目前的使用者人數遠遠超過此內容推薦的最大使用者人數!
WB_BRUSHTYPE Brush Type 刷子類型
WB_CLEAR Clear Whiteboard 清楚的白板
WB_CLEAR_ALL Clear All 全部清除
WB_COLORCIRCLE Color Circle 色環
WB_DISCONNECTED Disconnected 中斷連線
WB_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT File corrupt 檔案毀損
WB_ERROR_FILE_INTERNAL Internal error 內部錯誤
WB_ERROR_FILE_SAVE Failed to save 儲存失敗
WB_ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG File too big 檔案太大
WB_ERROR_FILE_VERSION Bad file version 檔案版本錯誤
WB_FILE File 檔案
WB_FILETYPE File Type 檔案類型
WB_HARDNESS Hardness 硬度
WB_HELP_ARRAY Draw Textured Line 繪製紋理線條
WB_HELP_CLEAR Clear all drawing and text from the board 清除所有白板上的繪圖和文字
WB_HELP_ERASE Eraser 橡皮擦
Key English Chinese (Traditional) Actions
VR_MODE_UNSUPPORTED_DESC Your device doesn't support mixed reality mode. However, you can use VR mode to join someone else in a digital twin of their real-world environment. 您的設備不支持混合現實模式。然而,您可以使用虛擬現實模式加入到其他人的真實世界環境中。
VR_TRACKING_MODE VR Tracking Mode VR 追蹤模式
VSCHINA_ENTER_VIDEO Add a Video URL or search for any video 添加視頻URL或搜索任意視頻
VSCHINA_VIDEO_DESC Direct video file URL or YouKu video link 直接導向影片檔案的網址或優酷影片連結
VSCHINA_YOUTUBE_ERROR YouTube video urls are not available in the China region 中國地區無法使用 YouTube 影片網址
WANT_LIST_PUBLIC Want to list in public? Try 想列入公開列表?嘗試
WANT_MORE Want more faces and generations? Try 想要更多的面孔和代別嗎?嘗試
WANT_MORE_ATTENDEES Want more attendees? Try 想要更多與會者?嘗試
WANT_MORE_CUSTOMIZATION Want more customization? Get 想要更多定制?得到
WANT_MORE_LOGIN_OPTIONS Want more secure log-in options? Try 想要更安全的登錄選項嗎?嘗試
WANT_MORE_OUTFITS Want more outfits? Try 想要更多的裝備嗎?試一試
WANT_PUBLIC Want to list in Public? Try 想要在公開列表中?嘗試
WARNING Warning! 警告!
WARNING_CURRENT Warning: Current user count is well over the maximum recommended users for this content! 警告:目前的使用者人數遠遠超過此內容推薦的最大使用者人數!
WB_BRUSHTYPE Brush Type 刷子類型
WB_CLEAR Clear Whiteboard 清楚的白板
WB_CLEAR_ALL Clear All 全部清除
WB_COLORCIRCLE Color Circle 色環
WB_DISCONNECTED Disconnected 中斷連線
WB_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT File corrupt 檔案毀損
WB_ERROR_FILE_INTERNAL Internal error 內部錯誤
WB_ERROR_FILE_SAVE Failed to save 儲存失敗
WB_ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG File too big 檔案太大
WB_ERROR_FILE_VERSION Bad file version 檔案版本錯誤
WB_FILE File 檔案
WB_FILETYPE File Type 檔案類型
WB_HARDNESS Hardness 硬度
WB_HELP_ARRAY Draw Textured Line 繪製紋理線條
WB_HELP_CLEAR Clear all drawing and text from the board 清除所有白板上的繪圖和文字


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TestProject / UnityChinese (Traditional)

10 months ago
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English Chinese (Traditional)
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String age
10 months ago
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10 months ago
Translation file
translation-unity_zh-Hant.xlf, string 2097