
Key English Chinese (Traditional) Actions
CREATE_EXTERNAL_PORTAL Create External Portal 創建外部門戶
DEEPLINK_MESSAGE Deeplink message (Optional) 深度鏈接消息(可選)
DESELECT_ALL Deselect all 取消全選
ENTER_APP_ID Enter App ID 輸入應用ID
ENTER_DEEPLINK_MESSAGE Enter Deeplink Message 輸入深度鏈接消息
ENTER_DESCRIPTION Enter Description... 輸入敘述…
ENTER_DESTINATION_API_NAME Enter Destination API name 輸入目標API名稱
ERROR_DESTINATION_API_NAME_MESSAGE The Destination API Name field is required. 目標API名稱字段為必填。
ERROR_FAILED_AUTHENTICATION You have been logged out due to inactivity. 由于不活躍,您已被注銷。
INCLUDE_JOINING_USERS Include joining users 包括加入用戶
LOGIN_REMEMBER_ME_AUTH_METHOD_CHANGED Your authentication method has changed recently. Please log in again. 您的身份驗證方法最近已更改。請重新登錄。
LOGIN_REMEMBER_ME_DISABLED_NOTIFICATION Remember Me is turned off for your group. 您的群的“記住我”功能已關閉。
LOGIN_REMEMBER_ME_INVALIDATED_PASSWORD_RESET Your password has changed recently. Please log in again. 您的密碼最近已更改。請再次登錄。
LOGIN_SSO_INVALID_KEYS We were unable to authenticate you with your SSO identity provider. 我們無法透過 SSO 身分提供者對您進行身份驗證。
SESSION_RESTRICTED_GROUP_MEMBERS This session has been restricted to members of {0} 此會話僅限於 {0} 的成員加入
TOOL_TIP_VOICE_REC Select the language that best matches your region and accent to get the most accurate results when interacting with AI or using dictation features 選擇與您的地區和口音最匹配的語言,以便在與AI交互或使用聽寫功能時獲得最准確的結果
TWO_FACTOR_AUTH_SMS_DISABLED Use of SMS is currently disabled. You must use a recovery code to log in. 目前已禁用短信服務。您必須使用恢複代碼登錄。
USE_MR_PASSTHROUGH Use MR passthrough in menu screen 在菜單屏幕中使用MR passthrough
USE_VR_ENVIRONMENT Use VR environment in menu screen 在菜單屏幕中使用VR環境
VOICE_REC_DESC_EN_AU English (Australia) 英語(澳大利亞)
VOICE_REC_DESC_EN_CA English (Canada) 英語(加拿大)
VOICE_REC_DESC_EN_GB English (United Kingdom) 英語(英國)
VOICE_REC_DESC_EN_GH English (Ghana) 英語(加納)
VOICE_REC_DESC_EN_HK English (Hong Kong) 英語(香港)
VOICE_REC_DESC_EN_IE English (Ireland) 英語(愛爾蘭)
VOICE_REC_DESC_EN_IN English (India) 英語(印度)
VOICE_REC_DESC_EN_KE English (Kenya) 英語(肯尼亞)
VOICE_REC_DESC_EN_NG English (Nigeria) 英語(尼日利亞)
VOICE_REC_DESC_EN_NZ English (New Zealand) 英語(新西蘭)
Key English Chinese (Traditional) Actions
LOGIN_ERROR_CONNECT_SERVER There was a problem connecting to the server. Please try again. If this error persists, check your Internet connection and restart ENGAGE. 連接至伺服器時出現問題。請重試一次。如果此錯誤仍然繼續,請檢查你的網路連線並重新啟動 ENGAGE。
LOGIN_ERROR_INTERNETACCESS Login Failed. Please check your internet connection. 登錄失敗。請檢查您的網絡連接。
LOGIN_ERROR_REGISTERING There was a problem registering. Please try again. If this error persists, check your Internet connection and restart ENGAGE. 註冊時有問題。請重試一次。如果此錯誤仍然繼續,請檢查你的網路連線並重新啟動 ENGAGE。
LOGIN_ERROR_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS Too many failed log-in attempts. Please reset your password or wait {0} minutes and try again. 登錄嘗試失敗次數過多。請重置您的密碼或等待{0}分鍾,然後重試。
LOGIN_ERROR_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS_ONE_MINUTE Too many failed log-in attempts. Please reset your password or wait {0} minute and try again. 登錄嘗試失敗次數過多。請重置您的密碼或等待{0}分鍾,然後重試。
LOGIN_FAILED These credentials do not match our records. 這些憑證與我們的記錄不相符。
LOGIN_FAILED_CHECK_CONNECTION Log in Failed. Please check your internet connection. 登入失敗。請檢查你的網路連線。
LOGIN_FAILED_NORMAL_LOGIN_TYPE This account doesn’t use single sign-on (SSO). 此帳戶未使用單點登錄(SSO)。
LOGIN_FAILED_SSO We were unable to authenticate you with your SSO identity provider. 我們無法通過您的SSO身份提供者對您進行身份驗證。
LOGIN_FAILED_SSO_EMAIL_NOT_MATCH We were unable to authenticate your SSO login due to an email mismatch between your ENGAGE account and the SSO identity provider. 由于您的ENGAGE帳戶和SSO身份提供者之間的電子郵件不匹配,我們無法驗證您的SSO登錄。
LOGIN_FAILED_SSO_LOGIN_TYPE This account requires you to use single sign-on (SSO). 此帳戶要求您使用單點登錄(SSO)。
LOGIN_REMEMBER_ME_AUTH_METHOD_CHANGED Your authentication method has changed recently. Please log in again. 您的身份驗證方法最近已更改。請重新登錄。
LOGIN_REMEMBER_ME_DISABLED_NOTIFICATION Remember Me is turned off for your group. 您的群的“記住我”功能已關閉。
LOGIN_REMEMBER_ME_EXPIRED It's been {0} days since you last logged in. Please log in again. 自您上次登錄以來已有{0}天。請重新登錄。
LOGIN_REMEMBER_ME_INVALIDATED_PASSWORD_RESET Your password has changed recently. Please log in again. 您的密碼最近已更改。請再次登錄。
LOGIN_SSO_INVALID_KEYS We were unable to authenticate you with your SSO identity provider. 我們無法透過 SSO 身分提供者對您進行身份驗證。
LOGIN_WITH Log in with 使用以下登入:
LOGIN_WITH_PASSWORD Log in with password 使用密碼登入
LOGIN_WITH_SSO Log in with SSO 使用SSO登錄
LOGOUT Logout 登出
LOGOUT_COMPLETE Logout Complete 登出完成
LONG_PRESS_TO_TELEPORT Long press to teleport 長按瞬移
LOOP Loop 循環
LOOP_AUDIO Loop Audio 循環音頻
LOW_POLY Low Poly - This type of avatar will appear for some users in standalone VR or mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets Low Poly —這種類型的頭像將出現在一些獨立的虛擬現實或移動設備中,比如智能手機和平板電腦
lt_LT Lithuanian (Lithuania)
lv_LV Latvian (Latvia)
MAC_KEYBOARD_MOUSE Mac - Keyboard & Mouse Mac -鍵盤和鼠標
MAC_KEYBOARD_TRACKPAD Mac - Keyboard & Trackpad Mac -鍵盤和觸控板
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated TestProject/Unity
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated TestProject/Unity 我們無法透過 SSO 身分通過您的SSO身份提供者對您進行身份驗證。


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TestProject / UnityChinese (Traditional)

7 months ago
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English Chinese (Traditional)
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String age
7 months ago
Source string age
7 months ago
Translation file
translation-unity_zh-Hant.xlf, string 2360