
Key English Chinese (Traditional) Actions
ENTER_PASSWORD Enter Password 輸入密碼
ENTER_PASSWORD_HERE Enter password here 在此輸入密碼
ENTER_PASSWORD_TO_JOIN Enter a password to join '{0}' 輸入密碼來加入“{0}”
ENTER_SESSION_NAME Enter Session Name 輸入會議名稱
ENTER_SPAWN_POINT Enter spawn point name 輸入刷新點名稱
ENTER_TEXT Enter text... 輸入文字…
ENTER_THE Enter the text displayed on this UI object. 輸入此 UI 物件上顯示的文字。
ENTER_THE_1 Enter the value for this effect. 輸入此效果的值。
ENTER_THE_LABEL Enter the label for your button here 在此輸入按鈕的標簽
ENTER_USER_ID Enter User ID 輸入用戶ID
ENTER_USERNAME Enter Username 輸入使用者名稱
ENTER_USERNAME_1 Enter Username or Email Address 輸入使用者名稱或電子郵件地址
ENTER_VIDEO Enter Video URL or Search Query 輸入影片網址或搜尋查詢
ENTER_YOUR_URL Enter your URL here 在此輸入你的鏈接
ENTERING_SESSION Entering Session. Please Wait... 輸入會議
ENTERPRISE_CONTACT_DETAILS We will get back to you promptly using the email associated with your account: {0} 我們將使用與您的帳戶相關聯的電子郵件迅速與您聯系:{0}
ENTERPRISE_EMAIL_DETAILS If you prefer to be contacted via a different email, please provide it below. 如果您希望我們通過不同的電子郵件聯系您,請在下面提供詳情。
ENTERPRISE_FULL_SESSION This session can only accommodate {n} users at once. 此會議一次只能容納{n}個用戶。
ENTERPRISE_LIST Enterprise Group List 企業群組清單
ENTERPRISE_LIST_DESC Visible to users within your Enterprise group tab within the join menu listings. 使用者可於參加選單清單中的企業群組標籤中看見。
ENTERPRISE_TOOL_TIP_DESCRIPTION This session can accommodate a maximum of {n} users. 此會議最多可容納{n}個用戶。
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED_1 Access denied 拒絕訪問
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED_DESC Can't access the specified file or folder. 無法訪問指定的文件或文件夾。
ERROR_ASSET_BUNDLE_1 There was an error downloading required assets. Please check your Internet connection and restart ENGAGE to try again. 下載所需資產時出現錯誤。請檢查網路連線並重新啟動 ENGAGE 以重試。
ERROR_AUTHENTICATION You have been logged out because you logged in from another device. 你已被登出,因為你已從其他裝置登入。
ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_1 You have been logged out due to a network communication error. Please check your Internet connection. 您已被登出,因為網路通訊出現錯誤。 請檢查您的網路連線。
ERROR_CANT_LIST_DESC Can't list the content of the specified location. 無法顯示指定位置的內容。
ERROR_CHANGING_PASSWORD There was an error changing your password. Please check your current password and try again. 變更密碼時出現錯誤。請檢查你目前的密碼,然後重試。
Key English Chinese (Traditional) Actions
ENTER_DESCRIPTION Enter Description... 輸入敘述…
ENTER_DESTINATION_API_NAME Enter Destination API name 輸入目標API名稱
ENTER_DISPLAY Enter Display Name 輸入顯示名稱
ENTER_EMAIL Enter email address 輸入電子郵件地址
ENTER_EMAIL_ADDRESS Enter the email address that is registered to your ENGAGE account and we’ll send you instructions on how to reset your password. 輸入用于注冊您ENGAGE帳戶的電子郵件地址,我們將向您發送如何重置密碼的說明。
ENTER_FIRST Enter First Name 輸入名字
ENTER_IMAGE_URL Enter the URL for the Image to download. 輸入要下載影像的網址。
ENTERING_SESSION Entering Session. Please Wait... 輸入會議
ENTER_LAST Enter Last Name 輸入姓氏
ENTER_LOCATION Enter Location 進入地點
ENTER_MYFACE_NAME Enter My Face Name 輸入我的面龐名稱
ENTER_NEW Enter New Password 輸入新密碼
ENTER_PASSWORD Enter Password 輸入密碼
ENTER_PASSWORD_HERE Enter password here 在此輸入密碼
ENTER_PASSWORD_TO_JOIN Enter a password to join '{0}' 輸入密碼來加入“{0}”
ENTERPRISE_CONTACT_DETAILS We will get back to you promptly using the email associated with your account: {0} 我們將使用與您的帳戶相關聯的電子郵件迅速與您聯系:{0}
ENTERPRISE_EMAIL_DETAILS If you prefer to be contacted via a different email, please provide it below. 如果您希望我們通過不同的電子郵件聯系您,請在下面提供詳情。
ENTERPRISE_FULL_SESSION This session can only accommodate {n} users at once. 此會議一次只能容納{n}個用戶。
ENTERPRISE_LIST Enterprise Group List 企業群組清單
ENTERPRISE_LIST_DESC Visible to users within your Enterprise group tab within the join menu listings. 使用者可於參加選單清單中的企業群組標籤中看見。
ENTERPRISE_TOOL_TIP_DESCRIPTION This session can accommodate a maximum of {n} users. 此會議最多可容納{n}個用戶。
ENTER_SESSION_NAME Enter Session Name 輸入會議名稱
ENTER_SPAWN_POINT Enter spawn point name 輸入刷新點名稱
ENTER_TEXT Enter text... 輸入文字…
ENTER_THE Enter the text displayed on this UI object. 輸入此 UI 物件上顯示的文字。
ENTER_THE_1 Enter the value for this effect. 輸入此效果的值。
ENTER_THE_LABEL Enter the label for your button here 在此輸入按鈕的標簽
ENTER_USER_ID Enter User ID 輸入用戶ID
ENTER_USERNAME Enter Username 輸入使用者名稱


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TestProject / UnityChinese (Traditional)

10 months ago
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English Chinese (Traditional)
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String age
10 months ago
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10 months ago
Translation file
translation-unity_zh-Hant.xlf, string 561