
Key English Chinese (Traditional) Actions
LOCATION Location 位置
LOCATION_CLOSEROOMNEWLOCATION You will continue to the new location, but all other users will be returned to the menu screen. 您將前往新地點,其他所有用戶將返回到菜單屏幕。
LOCATION_IS Location is Updating. Please Wait 位置正在更新
LOCATION_REQUIRES Location Requires an Update. Update Now? 位置需要更新
LOCATION_SAMELOCATION You are currently in this location 您目前在此地點
LOCATIONS Locations 地點
LOCK_LOCATION_ANCHOR Lock to Location Anchor 鎖定到位置錨
LOCK_SESSION Lock Session 鎖定會議
LOCK_SESSION_ADDITIONAL_MESSAGE_STANDARD_SESSION NOTE: As the session creator, you are the only one who can unlock it. Other hosts cannot unlock this type of session. 注意:作為會議的創建者,您是唯一可以解鎖會議的人。其他主機無法解鎖此類會議。
LOCK_SESSION_DESCRIPTION Nobody can enter this session until a host unlocks it. 在主機解鎖前,任何人都不能進入該會議。
LOCK_SESSION_DESCRIPTION_STANDARD_SESSION Nobody can join this session until you unlock it. 在您解鎖之前,任何人都不能加入此會議。
LOCK_SESSION_STANDARD_SESSION_TOOLTIP Lock session is only available for session creator. 只有會議創建者才能鎖定會議。
LOCK_SESSION_TITLE Session Locked 會議已鎖定
LOCK_USERS Lock users in seats 將用戶鎖定在座位中
LOCKED_SESSION Locked Session 已鎖定會議
LOCKED_SESSION_WARNING This Session has been locked by a host. You can try again in a while. 此會議已被主機鎖定。過段時間您可再次嘗試加入。
LOCKING_USER_IN_SEAT_IN_X_SECONDS Locking user in seat in {0} 將用戶鎖定在{0}的座位中
LOCKING_USERS_IN_SEATS_IN_X_SECONDS Locking users in seats in {0} 將用戶鎖定在 {0} 座位上
LOGIN Log in 登入
LOGIN_ERROR_CONNECT_SERVER There was a problem connecting to the server. Please try again. If this error persists, check your Internet connection and restart ENGAGE. 連接至伺服器時出現問題。請重試一次。如果此錯誤仍然繼續,請檢查你的網路連線並重新啟動 ENGAGE。
LOGIN_ERROR_INTERNETACCESS Login Failed. Please check your internet connection. 登錄失敗。請檢查您的網絡連接。
LOGIN_ERROR_REGISTERING There was a problem registering. Please try again. If this error persists, check your Internet connection and restart ENGAGE. 註冊時有問題。請重試一次。如果此錯誤仍然繼續,請檢查你的網路連線並重新啟動 ENGAGE。
LOGIN_ERROR_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS Too many failed log-in attempts. Please reset your password or wait {0} minutes and try again. 登錄嘗試失敗次數過多。請重置您的密碼或等待{0}分鍾,然後重試。
LOGIN_ERROR_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS_ONE_MINUTE Too many failed log-in attempts. Please reset your password or wait {0} minute and try again. 登錄嘗試失敗次數過多。請重置您的密碼或等待{0}分鍾,然後重試。
LOGIN_FAILED These credentials do not match our records. 這些憑證與我們的記錄不相符。
LOGIN_FAILED_CHECK_CONNECTION Log in Failed. Please check your internet connection. 登入失敗。請檢查你的網路連線。
LOGIN_FAILED_NORMAL_LOGIN_TYPE This account doesn’t use single sign-on (SSO). 此帳戶未使用單點登錄(SSO)。
LOGIN_FAILED_SSO We were unable to authenticate you with your SSO identity provider. 我們無法通過您的SSO身份提供者對您進行身份驗證。
LOGIN_FAILED_SSO_EMAIL_NOT_MATCH We were unable to authenticate your SSO login due to an email mismatch between your ENGAGE account and the SSO identity provider. 由于您的ENGAGE帳戶和SSO身份提供者之間的電子郵件不匹配,我們無法驗證您的SSO登錄。
Key English Chinese (Traditional) Actions
LOCATIONS Locations 地點
LOCATION_SAMELOCATION You are currently in this location 您目前在此地點
LOCKED_SESSION Locked Session 已鎖定會議
LOCKED_SESSION_WARNING This Session has been locked by a host. You can try again in a while. 此會議已被主機鎖定。過段時間您可再次嘗試加入。
LOCKING_USER_IN_SEAT_IN_X_SECONDS Locking user in seat in {0} 將用戶鎖定在{0}的座位中
LOCKING_USERS_IN_SEATS_IN_X_SECONDS Locking users in seats in {0} 將用戶鎖定在 {0} 座位上
LOCK_LOCATION_ANCHOR Lock to Location Anchor 鎖定到位置錨
LOCK_SESSION Lock Session 鎖定會議
LOCK_SESSION_ADDITIONAL_MESSAGE_STANDARD_SESSION NOTE: As the session creator, you are the only one who can unlock it. Other hosts cannot unlock this type of session. 注意:作為會議的創建者,您是唯一可以解鎖會議的人。其他主機無法解鎖此類會議。
LOCK_SESSION_DESCRIPTION Nobody can enter this session until a host unlocks it. 在主機解鎖前,任何人都不能進入該會議。
LOCK_SESSION_DESCRIPTION_STANDARD_SESSION Nobody can join this session until you unlock it. 在您解鎖之前,任何人都不能加入此會議。
LOCK_SESSION_STANDARD_SESSION_TOOLTIP Lock session is only available for session creator. 只有會議創建者才能鎖定會議。
LOCK_SESSION_TITLE Session Locked 會議已鎖定
LOCK_USERS Lock users in seats 將用戶鎖定在座位中
LOGIN Log in 登入
LOGIN_CONFIG_FILES_DOWNLOAD_ERROR There was an error, please check internet connection and restart
LOGIN_ERROR_CONNECT_SERVER There was a problem connecting to the server. Please try again. If this error persists, check your Internet connection and restart ENGAGE. 連接至伺服器時出現問題。請重試一次。如果此錯誤仍然繼續,請檢查你的網路連線並重新啟動 ENGAGE。
LOGIN_ERROR_INTERNETACCESS Login Failed. Please check your internet connection. 登錄失敗。請檢查您的網絡連接。
LOGIN_ERROR_REGISTERING There was a problem registering. Please try again. If this error persists, check your Internet connection and restart ENGAGE. 註冊時有問題。請重試一次。如果此錯誤仍然繼續,請檢查你的網路連線並重新啟動 ENGAGE。
LOGIN_ERROR_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS Too many failed log-in attempts. Please reset your password or wait {0} minutes and try again. 登錄嘗試失敗次數過多。請重置您的密碼或等待{0}分鍾,然後重試。
LOGIN_ERROR_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS_ONE_MINUTE Too many failed log-in attempts. Please reset your password or wait {0} minute and try again. 登錄嘗試失敗次數過多。請重置您的密碼或等待{0}分鍾,然後重試。
LOGIN_FAILED These credentials do not match our records. 這些憑證與我們的記錄不相符。
LOGIN_FAILED_CHECK_CONNECTION Log in Failed. Please check your internet connection. 登入失敗。請檢查你的網路連線。
LOGIN_FAILED_NORMAL_LOGIN_TYPE This account doesn’t use single sign-on (SSO). 此帳戶未使用單點登錄(SSO)。
LOGIN_FAILED_SSO We were unable to authenticate you with your SSO identity provider. 我們無法通過您的SSO身份提供者對您進行身份驗證。
LOGIN_FAILED_SSO_EMAIL_NOT_MATCH We were unable to authenticate your SSO login due to an email mismatch between your ENGAGE account and the SSO identity provider. 由于您的ENGAGE帳戶和SSO身份提供者之間的電子郵件不匹配,我們無法驗證您的SSO登錄。
LOGIN_FAILED_SSO_LOGIN_TYPE This account requires you to use single sign-on (SSO). 此帳戶要求您使用單點登錄(SSO)。
LOGIN_REMEMBER_ME_AUTH_METHOD_CHANGED Your authentication method has changed recently. Please log in again. 您的身份驗證方法最近已更改。請重新登錄。


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translation-unity_zh-Hant.xlf, string 984