This request takes a snapshot of the user's view. This instruction tells the AI Character how to instruct ChatGPT on how to respond to that image. If you wish to force certain context for this use-case you can define that by altering the command below. E.g. "The question or prompt from the user about what they are looking at, adding as much context as may be needed in the prompt to ensure a successful result. Ignore any human figures present in the image”.
This request takes a snapshot of the user's view. This instruction tells the AI Character how to instruct ChatGPT on how to respond to that image. If you wish to force certain context for this use-case you can define that by altering the command below. E.g. "The question or prompt from the user about what they are looking at, adding as much context as may be needed in the prompt to ensure a successful result. Ignore any human figures present in the image”.