
Key English Japanese Actions
YOU_CAN_PLAY_1 You can play recordings from your device or your Cloud Files. デバイスやクラウドファイルの記録を再生することができます。
YOU_CAN_RECORD You can record up to 8 people on Android devices. Androidデバイスでは最大8人を記録できます。
YOU_HAVE You have been logged out due to an unauthorized error. Please make sure you do not sign in on another device or browser while using ENGAGE! 不正エラーによりログアウトしました。ENGAGEの使用中は、別のデバイスやブラウザにサインインしないでください。
YOU_HAVE_PLUS You have an ENGAGE PLUS subscription ENGAGE PLUS購読済み
YOUR_ACCOUNT Your account details have been updated! アカウントの詳細が更新されました!
YOUR_CONTENT_MIGHT Your content might be stored in your Cloud Files. あなたのコンテンツは、クラウドファイルに保存されているかもしれません。
YOUR_PASSWORD Your password has been updated! パスワードが更新されました!
YOUR_PASSWORD_1 These credentials do not match our records. 認証情報が当社の記録と一致しません。
YOUR_RECORDINGS_MIGHT Your recordings might be stored in your Cloud Files. 録音がクラウドファイルに保存される場合があります。
YOUR_SESSION Your Session ID is: あなたのセッションID:
YOUTUBE_OR YouTube or direct video file URL YouTubeまたはダイレクトビデオファイルのURL
ZOOM Zoom 拡大
OPENAI_KEY_REQUIRED OpenAI API key is required in your group settings in order to use the AI Character Builder.
ADVANCED_SETTINGS Advanced settings 高度な設定
AI_GENERATE_IMAGE Generate image
AI_GENERATE_IMAGE_DESC Allows the character to use Dall-E to generate an image.
AI_GENERATE_IMAGE_PARAMETER_INFO This is the instruction that is given to the AI Character for how it will instruct Dall-E to create the image based on the user's verbal command. If you wish to refine the instructions  to ensure that the image is created in a particular style then you can define that by altering the command below. E.g. "The details of the image to create. Always state that this should be "in the style of Vincent Van Gogh”.
AI_ANALYZE_VIEW_PARAM_INFO This request takes a snapshot of the user's view. This instruction tells the AI Character how to instruct ChatGPT on how to respond to that image. If you wish to force certain context for this use-case you can define that by altering the command below. E.g. "The question or prompt from the user about what they are looking at, adding as much context as may be needed in the prompt to ensure a successful result. Ignore any human figures present in the image”.
AI_ANALYZE_VIEW Analyze view
AI_ANALYZE_VIEW_DESC Allows the character to see and comment on what the user is looking at.
AI_GENERATE_MESH Generate mesh
AI_GENERATE_MESH_DESC Allows the character to generate a new 3d model using
AI_GENERATE_MESH_PARAM_INFO This is the instruction that is given to the AI Character for how it will generate new meshes. You may want to narrow the types of meshes or give specific instructions on mesh theme.
AI_GENERATE_SKYBOX_DESC Allows the character to use Blockade Labs to generate a 360 image.
AI_GENERATE_SKYBOX_PARAM_INFO This is the instruction that is given to the AI Character for how it will instruct Blockade Labs to create the skybox. If you wish to refine the instructions  to ensure that the skybox is created in a particular style then you can define that by altering the command below. E.g. "The details of the skybox or 360 image to create. Always state that this should be "in a fantasy style”.
AI_CREATE_STICKY_NOTE Create sticky note 付箋を作成
AI_CREATE_STICKY_NOTE_DESC Allows the character to create a sticky note with user-specified text.
AI_DELETE_ALL_CREATED_OBJECTS Delete all created objects
Key English Japanese Actions
ADD_AT Add at least one keyframe! 少なくとも1つのキーフレームを追加してください!
ADD_COHOST Add Co-Host 共同ホストを追加
ADD_HOST Add Host ホストを追加
ADD_HOST_TO_SESSION Add host to session セッションへホストを追加
ADD_NEW_EMAIL Add new email メールアドレスを追加
ADD_SPAWN_POINT_SETTING Add spawn point 発生ポイントを追加
ADD_VIDEO_LINK Add video link ビデオリンクを追加
ADD_WEB_LINK Add web link ウェブリンクを追加
ADMIN Admin 管理者
ADVANCED Advanced 高度なレベル
ADVANCED_OPTIONS Advanced Options 高度なオプション
ADVANCED_PLAYBACK Advanced Playback Options 高度な再生オプション
ADVANCED_PLAYBACK_1 Advanced playback 高度な再生
ADVANCED_PORTAL_SETTINGS Advanced settings 高度な設定
ADVANCED_SETTINGS Advanced settings 高度な設定
ADVANCED_SETTINGS_PLACEHOLDER Enter spawn point here 発生ポイントを入力
ADVANCED_TRACKING Advanced Tracking 高度な追跡
ADVANCED_TRACKING_1 Advanced tracking detected! To enable advanced tracking for your avatar, ensure trackers are secured as shown. Face this screen and ensure trackers show the correct placements before clicking Enable. 高度な追跡が検出されました!アバターの高度な追跡を有効にするには、表示されているようにトラッカーが保護されていることを確認します。この画面に向かい、[有効にする]をクリックする前に、トラッカーが正しい配置を表示していることを確認します。
ADVANCED_TRACKING_2 Advanced Tracking: 高度な追跡:
ADVANCED_TRACKING_3 Advanced Tracking Calibrated 高度な追跡調整済み
af_ZA Afrikaans (South Africa) アフリカーンス語(南アフリカ)
AGE Age 年齢
A_HOST A Host ホスト
AI_ANALYZE_VIEW Analyze view
AI_ANALYZE_VIEW_DESC Allows the character to see and comment on what the user is looking at.
AI_ANALYZE_VIEW_PARAM_INFO This request takes a snapshot of the user's view. This instruction tells the AI Character how to instruct ChatGPT on how to respond to that image. If you wish to force certain context for this use-case you can define that by altering the command below. E.g. "The question or prompt from the user about what they are looking at, adding as much context as may be needed in the prompt to ensure a successful result. Ignore any human figures present in the image”.
AI_BUILDER AI Character Builder
AI_BUILDER_DESC Create Embodied AI Characters and Assistants to use in your ENGAGE Sessions.
AI_CREATE_STICKY_NOTE Create sticky note 付箋を作成
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translation-unity_ja.xlf, string 2208